Your December goals?



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Just lose 3 more pounds!
  • shannongoneau
    shannongoneau Posts: 246 Member
    I plan to
    Not eat out
    go running 5 days a week to reach 25 miles a week
    not to eat copious amounts of pasta...carbs in general (I need to stay in my allowed grams of carbs per day)
    and lastly, to take the stairs at work every chance I get
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    -Go to yoga more often because I will have more free time
    -Don't avoid walking just because it's cold
    -Cook more to save money and be healthier
    -Drink more tea and less coffee
    -Weigh and measure food more accurately
    -Do an elimination test for more food intolerance, especially gluten
  • distancediva
    distancediva Posts: 1 Member
    My goals are too log my food everyday., exercise 3-4 days a week, and complete this 30 mile in 30 days challenge, I signed up for.
  • jess_erin
    jess_erin Posts: 69 Member
    My December goals
    - plan my meals each week and stick with it
    - 30DS, one level each week, 6 days a week
    - run 3 days a week
    - go to bed earlier :yawn:
  • roqnroch
    roqnroch Posts: 5 Member
    It has been a while since I've been on MFP and I hope to make some friends to help keep me motivated and on track. My December goals are:

    - Track my meals
    - Drink at least 72 oz of water a day
    - Walk 5 days a week
    - Callanetics 3 days a week

    I believe that we can all meet our goals! Best wishes, all!!
  • dmbjewel
    dmbjewel Posts: 17 Member
    *Keep walking every morning, even thought it's getting really cold & rainy!
    *Not eat the holiday treats that have ALREADY appeared in my office
    *Break the 200# threshold
  • Fit_in_Folsom
    Fit_in_Folsom Posts: 220 Member
    My Goals:
    Work out 5x a week (cardio/swim/weights)
    Drink lots of water ~72 oz
    Work less hours
    Lead a more balance life
    Eat clean 6 days a week (clean is paleo style for me)

    Find a work out partner or some encouragement.