SuzumiyaKyo Member


  • Hey ladies! I'm searching for DCI online that is not 60$ a bottle. I found this : English is not my native language and I need some help to figure out if this is as good as this one : Also, if any of you…
  • I stopped smoking 3 weeks ago. First 2 was okay, but I had cravings. This week is great, running is a lot easier so it's a good motivation. I quit cold turkey, but from january to august I dropped a cigarette a day per month. By September I was at 2 only per day. This way worked for me. I do not crave the nicotine though.…
  • Grace Helbig, Hannah Hart and Jenna Marbles.
  • I love putting Agave syrup in my smoothies and yoghurt! I get my fix of sugar for the day. For the coffee, I stopped putting sugar and milk in it, and I like it better now (it takes a while to get used to).