Starvandeva Member


  • lol, You made me think of how I use to love to buy vitamin water but then My instructor who is a licensed nutritionist calls vitamin water "expensive pee" . So many of those vitamins just get flushed out if you don't need them...and you do have too be careful because too many of other ones can do more harm than good.
  • I tried getting rid of the junk but the kids craved it more. Moderation is our new goal. :wink: and as I make better choices , they tend to follow. I track my kcals and my nutrients and aim for a variety of antioxidants.
  • Those are my faves too BUT I stopped going because I have no idea how to track those kcals once I start adding toppings ;)
  • I cut out all pop( I drank diet pepsi) a year and a half ago except for an occasional small amount of sprite, in hopes to drop weight. It worked for other people I know. The only thing it did for me was improved my skin and now I have a hard time staying hydrated. But I just finished a college nutrition course and the…
  • I count them, every kcal counts. I like to look back at the end of the day and make sure I got at least 5 servings of them, it helps me keep track.