Being skinny or looking good doesnt mean you are healthy



  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    The ironic thing is that even fruits/veggies are crap now, from a nutritive standpoint (the time a crop is in the ground determines its nutritive value, and crops can now be produced 3-4x faster than they have been historically with wonderful modern fertilizers). Sure, not as crappy as a big mac, but unless you are getting your stuff from a traditional farm at a farmer's market, if you are in the US, you are eating crap.
  • angelalawsons
    angelalawsons Posts: 30 Member
    Fruits and veggies were the first "fast food." And Id prefer to eat a banana these days rather than a big mac. :-) Id also prefer to give a fruit to my babies rather than a breakfast burrito. Thats where IM at. I try to eat healthy every day.Because even if i try most likely i wont succeed. I dont beat my self up when I do eat crap. But Im not going to try to convice myself that all that sodium, fat or carb (sugar) was some how healthy for me. OR put down the healthier alternative. Its makes no sense. I can lie to myself to make me feel better but that wont change the abuse my body is getting from that poor choice.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Yes, you are 100% correct. You are the healthiest person on MFP by far. And your thread is the absolute most original I've ever seen.

    A couple of hints: Screen your friends before you add them. Pick people off of forums you agree with and send them friend requests.

    Beyond that: To each their own.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Well Im NO pro at all. Im always learning new things related to nutrition, vitamins etc. But I have been spending most of my life trying to be healthy. Like i said in my first post i was so wrong when i was young. Thinking that being skinny was good enough. Its not. I mean when i was young i could run on the treadmill every day for a week and eat extremely lighty and drop weight quick. As I got older it didnt work that way. I paid attention to fat grams back then rather than calories, carbs, sodium and glucose. So I was way off. I have exercised a lot , drank 8 glasses of water a day from the age of 14 and taken vitamins through out my life. But anyhow at this point (age 36 with 3 children) Ive decided that keeping my diet close to earth is best. The fresher the better and try to stay away from packaged processed foods. Ive very recently decided to watch my carb intake because that will lower sugar intake as well and this program tells me i go over every day :-O So thats where im at. And i need to exercise SIX days a week if i want to see my body change. Otherwise IT stays the exact same. :-) But Im not trying to rush to any certain weight. I woud however like to be more toned. Thats a work inprocess

    Remember that back in the 90s all the emphasis was on fat grams and not on calories, carbs, sodium etc and I know when I was young I was not worried about high blood pressure (even though I had it when I was obese in Jr High), diabetes, etc. A lot of the info we have available now was not out there back when we were younger and we didn't have the internet back then either lol
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I do agree there are a lot of unhealthy "dieters" on here...I'm not judging or criticizing anyone who eats less than healthy food because they are tryin the best they know how but I also will not cheer someone on with an eating disorder and there seems to be a lot of that on here, as well.
  • angelalawsons
    angelalawsons Posts: 30 Member
    Yes I agree. And Im not criticizing anybody either. Im just sharing how I am TRYING to be. Key work TRYING. And hoping to meet people with a similar train of thought. Im not saying Im healthier than anybody. If you read the entire post I clearly state my worries. I mean Im in a prehypertention state and have been for over 5 years. Doing everything to try to lower bp and now realizing that there IS more to think about than fat grams and calories. And Id be interested in knowing how YOU lowered your bp. Because diet and exercise isnt really doing it for me. Which is why I am NOW also paying close attention to sodium and sugar. :-/
  • angelalawsons
    angelalawsons Posts: 30 Member
    Also, YES it was the 90's when everybody emphasized fat gram intake. hahaha
  • Starvandeva
    Starvandeva Posts: 9 Member
    I tried getting rid of the junk but the kids craved it more. Moderation is our new goal. :wink: and as I make better choices , they tend to follow. I track my kcals and my nutrients and aim for a variety of antioxidants.
  • angelalawsons
    angelalawsons Posts: 30 Member
    I tried getting rid of the junk but the kids craved it more. Moderation is our new goal. :wink: and as I make better choices , they tend to follow. I track my kcals and my nutrients and aim for a variety of antioxidants.

    I relate to this. My oldest is 10 and obviously when he was young I wasnt eating how I do now. So he is a sugar addict. (Same here btw) Its tough. My two daughters both eat very healthy. But I have to continue searching for new meal recipes for all of us. Because my son and fiance are very stubborn. Thats part of the reason im searching for new friends. I have NO creativity what so ever and I HAVE to get ideas from other people. I cant continually ask. Its going to be nice now that I can look at somebody elses diary and through it discover a new way to eat quinoa. For example. lol
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I try to eat healthy every day and take a multivitamin "just in case". Unless you have a specific deficiency, you are wasting your money buying all those "remedies" and supplements. What, specifically, is the remedy a remedy for? According to, a remedy is "A medicine or treatment for a disease or injury." Spend your money on healthy veggies and lean meats.
  • angelalawsons
    angelalawsons Posts: 30 Member
    I dont purchase the remedy. I make it. Its one cup of each ingredient,, cooked for 30 minutes and put in a glass jar kept refrigerated. (garlic, ginger, apple cider vinegar, lemon and honey) I take a table spoon a day of the mixture because it has MANY health benefits. I noticed a significant boost of energy after just a few days. Its also supposed to lower bp after about 6 months. And its loaded with great stuff. Clearly. The only thing I purchase and take daily are vitamins. I did however recently increase my vitamin d intake to 2000 iu instead of the 1000 i used to take and i recently switched to a liquid multi with the new regulatory stamp for purity. NOT a waste of my time at all. :-)
  • Starvandeva
    Starvandeva Posts: 9 Member
    I try to eat healthy every day and take a multivitamin "just in case". Unless you have a specific deficiency, you are wasting your money buying all those "remedies" and supplements. What, specifically, is the remedy a remedy for? According to, a remedy is "A medicine or treatment for a disease or injury." Spend your money on healthy veggies and lean meats.

    lol, You made me think of how I use to love to buy vitamin water but then My instructor who is a licensed nutritionist calls vitamin water "expensive pee" . So many of those vitamins just get flushed out if you don't need them...and you do have too be careful because too many of other ones can do more harm than good.