

  • I use Silk's Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk, ONLY 1 carb and 30 calories per cup (less than 4 calories per oz!) I use Splenda to sweeten. The almond milk doesn't make it super creamy but you can use more of it than regular creamer because of how low cal it is.
  • Dear 16 year-old me, I'm sorry for everything you're going through. Most high school girls are ignorant and cruel. Most high school boys are after one thing. All you want is to be pretty, skinny and popular but instead you feel alienated, fat and ugly. You're not going to have the time of your life for the next few years…
  • I LOVE my elliptical machine! I would eventually like to start running but I need to lose more weight before I do so. Due to being overweight my entire life, I've developed mild arthritis in my knees. The elliptical is low impact so I can workout longer and harder on the elliptical than if I were attempting to run on a…