Dear 16 year old me...



  • Dear 16 year-old me,

    I'm sorry for everything you're going through. Most high school girls are ignorant and cruel. Most high school boys are after one thing. All you want is to be pretty, skinny and popular but instead you feel alienated, fat and ugly. You're not going to have the time of your life for the next few years but I can't say I want any different for you.... because of your experience, you're going to make a strong, independent, compassionate adult. You're going to transform from an ugly duckling into a swan. Be yourself and do exactly what you want to do, whether its 'cool' or not. Stay inside on weekends and read Harry Potter instead of partying like your classmates. Dream about traveling instead of having a boyfriend. Make crafts, not babies. For if you had everything you wish for right now, you might miss your chances for genuine happiness in the future.

    P.S. Unfortunately you're going to date some d-bags. There will also be a few good guys. Your true soul mate is living about ten miles away and you won't get together until you're about 22. He loves penguins and has the most amazing, contagious laugh you've ever heard. He will treat you like a princess. Keep your eyes peeled for him, he'll make your journey through life an incredible one :)

    P.S.S. If Frodo can travel on foot for one year, you can get out and walk around town a few times a week - you'll feel better about yourself, I promise!

    Your 25 year-old self
  • apilant
    apilant Posts: 87 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,
    You were so freaking hot! You should have walked around naked....or at least in a bikini. (um, maybe you'd rather not have to explain that to your kids?) Seriously though....113 lbs hardly qualified you as "the chubby one" and those abs won't last thru two kids.
    Funny that you've known the love of your life forever but it takes him til your 21st birthday to ask you out. Well played with the unanswered prayers God!
    Enjoy your last year of your youth because believe it or not, getting pregnant next year will begin the best part of your life!

    Twenty Six year old you!
  • gracetoo
    gracetoo Posts: 29
    Dear 16 year old me,
    You are not fat, not even close, so stop wearing the bedsheets and get out there! You have friends who love you. Live for yourself, not other people.
    Just eat the lunch your mom made for you, you do not need to eat that crap every day and don't stop playing rugby. It brought out the best in you. Please, please do not let one night ruin your trust and faith in humanity, no matter how much you hurt. Enjoy every minute of your parents, they're not nearly as daft as you think and you will miss them dearly when suddenly they're not there. Mind your manners and really think about what comes out of your mouth and how you want to be seen. More then once, if you are not careful, you will burn bridges, badly. You'll meet someone who is everything you ever wanted, don't be stupid and almost lose him. Marry him the first time he asks. Really think about what you want to be and do as a career, take that education stream, even if it kills you. Stop being so shy and embarrassed, your thoughts, wants, aspirations and loves matter as much as the person beside you.
    Start going to camp earlier, some of your truest, best friends will come from very unexpected places.
    Enjoy your youth, go to more concerts and get your licence before your 33!
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    You are gorgeous. Don't let anybody tell you that you are fat or dumb because you scored 99%.
  • Maridinger
    Maridinger Posts: 74 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    Do exactly what you did because it made you who you are today.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Dear 16 year old nolachick

    You are absolutely beautiful. Enjoy your size 6 body because in ten years you will be much bigger and struggling with your weight and wish you had embraced your body when you had it. Don't be self conscious because of those size 0 anorexic girls.
    enjoy your youth and own your tiny curves before they become dangerous curves. Drink lots of water, don't eat out so much when you get to college, don't eat as much as your bf , and do workout regularly to maintain :flowerforyou:
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    Dear Sixteen Year Old Me,

    *That boy you have your eye on, is nothing but PURE TROUBLE!

    *Your father is wrong, very wrong for you are smart, beautiful and going to do something with yourself!

    *This world is to be explored and when that door opens to the world, you need to jump through it!

    *Those babies you want so badly at such a young age can wait, you need to do some living first and grow yourself before you can help anyone else grow.

    *Food is something you fuel your body with, not for entertainment or replacement for other things.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Figure out what a portion size is, now. Don't keep eating just because it's delicious. A serving of macaroni and cheese is not two cups.
  • xXxHBICxXx
    xXxHBICxXx Posts: 370 Member
    Dear 16 year old me ...
    Focus on school, no matter what is going on at home.
    Leave the boys alone the want only one thing from you.
    Don't dumb yourself down so they boys like you more, tell all the people that dislike you for no reason to f**k off.
    Don't care so much about what everyone else thinks about you, love yourself.
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    You are skinny and cute! Stop thinking you are fat, in 6 years you will have gained like 80 pounds and wish you looked the way you do now. Don't stop running, you love it so much, don't give it up! Don't go to nursing school, you end up not using your degree because you cannot stand all the death around you, keep up with your art, you are an artist and it IS a real job no matter what people think right now.

    Your hipster, I know its not a thing right now, but in 5 years its the coolest thing ever, don't change.

    Also, dump that loser.

  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Quit band and do better extracurricular activities.
  • Look forward to all the greatness life's gonna be a hell of a ride in fact, i'm not sure when it's gonna slow down. My advice is: you're gonna get ahead much faster if you start saving and stop spending. Also, don't drink so much beer, it really packs on the wine is also much more delicious! Be yourself because when you are 33 you will all of a sudden realize on a exciting vegas bender that you lost that girl somewhere along the way and she was awesome!!!
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    I wouldn't write a letter. I had my daughter a month after my 16th birthday. In some ways I wish I waited until later on in life to have her, but if I changed any single thing she wouldn't be who she is. AND SHE is my greatest accomplishment and a wonderful human being. I think I was a good mom considering the cards I was dealt and the cards I chose myself. My daughter saved my life.... I was headed down a road that may not have ended well with drug addictions, and my pregnancy changed me.
  • YellowNightingale
    YellowNightingale Posts: 440 Member
    Dear 16-year old self:

    YOU ARE NOT FAT. Stop judging yourself. Also, dump that *kitten* you are dating who made fun of your arms (calling you fat) and made you self conscious about yourself for years afterwards. Love your body, love what you have, because in a few years you WILL be fat. DON'T room with that girl your first year of undergrad, she is an effing idiot and will ruin the end of your first year at college. Also, don't bother with those 3 years of pre-med in undergrad, save your money, because you are going to graduate with a useless degree in history and have to go to grad school :P

    Call your grandpa, and study german more so you can make him proud; he will commit suicide in 1 year and you will never see it coming.

    Don't stop sticking up for yourself even though your parents ruined you with their constant blame. When you are an adult you will wish that you had the voice to speak up when you aren't being treated correctly.

    And in 1 year you will meet the love of your life and 7 years later will be engaged to him :)
  • KChristie976
    KChristie976 Posts: 150 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    Enjoy these years of your life. Don't give up your friends for boys! And stop thinking you are fat. Work hard and take birth control more seriously because in 2 years your going to become a mom!. Your daughter is the best thing that has happened to you but seriously a few years down the road may have been better. Love yourself and be kind to your parents! Learn healthy eating habits now! Be nicer to that sweet boy who is in wood shop (your gonna marry him one day) Have fun and never look back!

    24 year old me :)
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    Dear 16 year old me:

    McDonald's for breakfast and dinner is not a good thing
    Ice cream after McDonald's is even worse
    The food you eat is what is causing you to gain weight
    Just because mom puts butter on everything doesn't mean you need to as well
    Eat more fruits and veggies - they are good for you
    Don't skip gym class - you need it more than most people
    Oh, that guy you have your eye on that already has a girlfriend - walk away. You don't need what he does to you.

    Love me
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,
    When that hot guy asks for your number about a year from now, don't give it to him. You'll waste 5 years of your life with him.
    Try to keep your crappy teenager attitude in check, especially around mom and dad.
    Also, you're dumb. You know nothing. Start listening to what people who truly love you say.
    Oh, and I know you're a scrawny little b$@#$ who can eat half a loaf sandwiches at 3 in the morning every night and not gain an ounce, but it would be nice if you started doing some kind of physical activity now. You know, for the years to come?
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Dear 16 year old me:

    Don't smoke - you don't look cool and it's bad for your health, looks and pocket.
    Ditch your boyfriend, he doesn't love you and is just using you for s*x
    Stop perming your hair
    Stay at school, do a hairdressing/make up course
    And lastly, don't come back to NZ from the UK with your boyfriend just for Xmas - you won't go back and you still had so much to see.

    Love, your 40 year me xxx

    P.S. - start exercising, you will love it!
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 339 Member
    Dear 16 year old me -

    Believe in yourself, you do look amazing!
    You deserve the hot guy on vacation, hold onto him, he's a keeper.

    If you don't do that, finish college, do all the things you love in life, but try doing them a little bit more sober sometimes.

    Don't eat all the junk food, and "cleaning your plate" is NOT good for you!

    Find some better friends, the ones you have now will lead you down the wrong path and you'll end up 3000 miles from home.

    Take care of yourself, and love yourself. You are special, you are unique.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    This thread made me sad - I wish I could turn back time :sad: