

  • WELCOME!!! It's good you realized that you needed a change now. All the best on your "new life" changes to stay healthy....YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I wish you all the best in your quest to be healthy...and to look "sexy" - even if that is not your goal....its always good to look in the mirror and think "I look great". Continue to be positive. I went to a meeting this week and our leader taught about finding something positive to say to counteract…
  • Hi Nety and Diana. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!!! Netty, of course you know that I am happy you decided to take this challenge so that we can do this together...You challenge me, and I challenge you.... Congrats to both of you...Looking to see "LESS" of you in the future!!! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • :laugh: :laugh:
  • firegirlred, I tried making my own chips one evening. I used a mandolin which sliced the potato very thin. I then added a little olive oil and seasoned them. Put them on a baking/cookie sheet (to help with clean-up, cover with foil) and bake on about 400 degrees until they are crispy. If you'd like, sprinkle with lite…
  • Weight watchers counts tea or anything that you add to water (ex. crystal lite on the go packs) as 1/2 a serving of water. I belive this also depends on whether you add sugar, cream, etc. I drink black tea almost everyday (caffeine-free) and it hasn't hurt my weight loss any. Hope this helps.
    in Tea ? Comment by margothomas August 2008
  • pinktoque, you can use it all you want....HAVE FUN!
  • Hey guys, I'm up for the challenge. I've tried to get my husband walking with me, but that has not been too positive. But, I'm sure he'll be willing to help me with this challenge. I realize I'm a little bit late on this. But I have 6 more pounds to go to reach my goal weight. So, any help I can get is GREAT!! Plus, this…
  • Have you tried the ice cream sandwiches from Healthy Choice? They are really great and probably less calories - just a thought. However, if you do try them, don't get caught up in them being less "sinful" than the Haagan daz. I did that two weeks ago. And, I ate them everyday as my desert. So, when I buy them again, I will…
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! All the best on losing the rest of it. It may not be easy, but it'll be worth it.
  • Sorry, I'm just getting involved in this conversation. I have recently joined the At-Work program for WW. 12 weeks of meetings. I don't think they are expensive - $12/week is not a bad investment in your health. Currently, I am doing the Flex Plan (counting points), which seems easier for me. I initally lost 9 pounds in 7…