

  • WOW!!! Absolutely phenomenal! Well done, you are truly an inspiration!
  • Wow that is amazing! Brilliant job. Fitting it in can be so hard - at the moment my key is combining activities. I work full time and they sponsor me to do a uni course so what with working, being a uni and doing uni work I have very little time. Suddenly it dawned on me that I just needed to combine activities. Now I go…
  • Hi, I also have PCOS and take Metformin. Once I got over the initial feeling rubbish I found it really helped. I try and restrict my diet to only low GI foods (anything wholemeal or brown coloured) and that seems to be when I loose the most weight. I am absolutely determined to loose the weight this time. I just want to be…
  • :( but i have been on it a year now. Rubbish
  • Extra rant required. I'm not sure what is happening but I hate it! My gynacologist said that if I tool the Metformin and managed to start losing weight then it would help with my periods and other symptoms, but it seems to have got worse :(. My cycle is a minimum of 5 months and for the last month (now) I have the worst…
  • I know what you mean 100%! I obsessively monitor everything and then feel guilty for any time I eat something I shouldn't. The mood swings are so difficult to deal with and drive me crazy! I just get so fed up with every day being a battle, I just want a break from it. Love the metaphor of swimming in sludge, very accurate!
  • Hello, Im from the UK. I live down on the south coast :) Seems to be quite a few of us about.
  • I know it sounds mad, but it was actually a relief to read everyone heres comments about PCOS. I've felt quite alone since I found out I had PCOS and it has made me feel so low, but to know other people are in the same boat is comforting. My Mum had said for years that my weight gain and other symptoms weren't normal, but…
  • Hi, I've recently been diagnosed with PCOS too. I'm on 2000mg of Metformin a day and I really do hate it! It is better now but when I first started taking it it made me feel so ill, and even now it gets me occassionally. But.... It does seem to have suddenly started working as in the last 3 weeks I've lost just over a…