

  • Try mindfulness practices, sound a bit hippified but i did an 8 week class and helped loads in different areas of my life. Lots on youtube, takes a bit of practice and perseverance, BUT even a short two minute practice is excellent for calming, centering yourself and will come in handy when toddler tantrums strike in a few…
  • yup, ed's in various forms since 11 years old, and full blown Mia for 12years. ATM i feel like evryday I muck up and think oh well, try tomorrow, and do it again. Driving me crazy.
  • I have also gone from Anorexia to Bulimia (over 14 years) obviously not intentionally. It's hard to see how I used to be so determined and not eat, (not advocating it) and now can't stop myself stuffing......... ive gone from 7st to 11 st and up and down in between many times.
  • I don't know. i eat fruit for lunch at work and have no carbs left for dinner according to MFP! I can't eat bread or pasta at work as they make me tired, so struggle with what else to have.
  • Wow, thanks everyone! @carolah I was under 7st when I split up with a previous abusive partner, the in 'joke' was I didn't need to eat today as I'd had a cornflake and teaspoon of milk three days before. I can't believe I am not the other end of the spectrum. @lanenalatina I try, but they live with their father, and the…