Great flamin' hair!
For you? However much is healthy and makes you feel comfortable -- but I think you'll find building muscle works better. Personally I'd say you look fantastic and don't need to lose an ounce!
Nice work! Keep it up!
Hot... for another guy
Wow! Huge difference. You look fantastic!
lmao the domestic violence jokes are just getting better and better! Violence is a hoot! Maybe he can beat her back and it'll be like an old time slapstick comedy routine!
No, I don't, but I want some damn oreos and I'm already irritated that my Fitbit is slowly mocking me every time I sit down. Come on! I just went for an hour-long walk! Why you gotta make me feel so lazy, technology?
LOL, homicide. Or she could slowly kill and eat him, like a paleo diet! Am I right? Oh man, this one time I saw a news story about domestic violence. Almost choked laughing!
I certainly haven't bothered to read every response, because it isn't worth my mental health to ingest that much hypocritical knee-jerk reactionary cavewoman thinking. But from what I have read, I'm deeply thankful my girlfriend isn't so bat**** crazy as many of the women posting seem to be. It's like a bad stereotype of…
Wow! Looking fantastic!
Nice work! I can tell you've already made strides in just a little over a month!
As someone who craves oreos... I hate you all.
I'll say what all the annoying people said to me when I was first experiencing that: "It's a good problem to have!" Yeah. And an expensive one.
Congrats on your progress! You're looking great already.
You're all hot! :drinker:
I hear that's not uncommon. My girlfriend and I have had an opposite experience, and I think explaining why might help you. Part of my inspiration for losing weight initially was being single and feeling like my fitness were holding me back (both by how I looked and how it made me feel about myself, so my self-confidence…
BMI isn't a measure of body composition and proportion, which I think has a lot more to do with sexiness than the proportionality conveyed by BMI. And even composition and proportional are somewhat a matter of personal and cultural tastes. What's sexy to me is most likely different than what would be sexy to a 16th century…
Hot. (But not as hot as my girlfriend. Sorry. :))
I'm right in Dublin as well!
Pizza. I can eat an entire extra large, still!
Being ashamed of how I look in a bathing suit. Sweating through dress shirts. Getting out of breath running up a flight of stairs. Being able to eat a disgusting amount in a sitting. Getting sore/numb feet after a few hours of standing. Not feeling confident about talking to women (or people in general).
I hardly sweat anymore. I use deodorant at probably 1/5 the rate that I used to because one swipe is enough to keep me bone dry all day!
Before: After: Down 95 pounds. 15 more and I'll be where I want to be!
WOW! You look like a different person. And the best part is your fantastic sexy smile. It goes along with your very sexy body. We should go out sometime. :)
You look great! Of course, you looked great before too, but I can tell you've made huge progress. Great job!
Absolutely yes! I assume you know podrunner?
Maybe they value their privacy. I've seen people blurring out their faces in pictures of themselves before here, too (women included). So what?
Amazing change! You're gorgeous! Great work.