

  • That's the worst! Hopefully you have a "stash" of a low calorie alternative, if so , snack on that! If not, maybe a smaller chocolate indulgence like 1 hersheys kiss (2?)....if you HAVE TO, get a very small piece and make up for it later. Remind yourself how much walking it will take to burn it off and that might do the…
  • If you are calorie heavy on one meal, it should be breakfast- that way your body has the whole day to burn them. If youre trying to simply get your calories down- what are you eating for breakfast now that is so high? Here are some of my breakfasts that i usually turn into a couple of morning snacks instead of one large…
  • WOOHOOO!!! Great job! Keep up the good work!
  • Kashi frozen thingies are the best! They are loaded with whole grains (great fiber), protein, and delicious! I was stoked to find them. Since they have all the different grains they fill you more than other meals and the nutritional content can't be beat. If you need more food- I love adding my own fresh veggies. I also…
  • Tough one! There really arent any because chinese food is loaded with sodium, and many options are fried. I am anxious to see what other responses are, but in general just try to avoid the fried "tempura," sticky-sweet options, or at least stick with portion control here. If they have brown rice, definitely go for that…