

  • diet red bull! (so you don't crash.) and be sure to take plenty of vitamins. don't be afraid to take several multis a day. watch your iron and b12 intake too (get enough of them!). capsules are better than tablets, and food-based is better than synthetic. also consider taking powder supplements. my immune system's improved…
  • thank you for your input, everyone!
  • unbelievable! you are strong and beautiful. don't forget that :) and like others said, 1) get rid of the *kitten*, and 2) lose weight for YOURSELF. stay strong!
  • headaches are a sign of detox. they could also come from a food allergy. so this is not a result of vegetarianism/veganism. try drinking more water. many times, headaches are caused by dehydration!
  • yay, we ARE awesome. thanks so much for this post :)