weight issue and cheating husband



  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    hi my name is esha i ve been married for last nine years.i ve two beautiful daughters ages 3.5 and 1.5.my weight was 130 and now i am 192 pounds other day i found one of my husbands email password where i found some nasty pictures with a girl when i asked he said i hate you you look like a cow not a women any more ni was so disappointed i want to loose my weight as i used to b4 and then i also want to get a foto shoot as my husband did i also will change partner as my husband did please help me.i want to achieve my goal b4 winter please give me some suggestions that how i can do i will be great ful to all of you.thanks in anticipation
    Wowsa's, so sorry to hear about the cheating sc*mbag,
    You need as much support as you can get right now, do you have people you can talk too?
  • BobertC
    BobertC Posts: 123
    wow, what an *kitten*. do what you feel is right for you and your kids.
  • Cblue541
    Cblue541 Posts: 17
    He is a jerk. DO it for you not for him or anyother man. Make yourself better for you and you girls. Your size has nothing to do with why he did what he did. A real man who really loved you would be by you no matter what and if he wanted you to get healthy then he would have worked with you to get you thay way. He used your size as an excuse for his bull!!! Dont be sorry for yourself be happy that your free!!!!!!!
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    This will never work if you do it for him. You need to heal and get your priorities straight. Losing weight is not gonna make all the pain he put you through go away. It sounds like he doesnt love you any more ppl dont do that to someone they love. Stay strong and make small changes. But make sure you do this for you. You are in control. Not him. Good luck hun and we will be here for support on your weight loss journey :)
  • satnat
    satnat Posts: 7
    unbelievable! you are strong and beautiful. don't forget that :) and like others said, 1) get rid of the *kitten*, and 2) lose weight for YOURSELF.

    stay strong!