

  • My mom has always told me, "It took you all these years to put it on, it will take you some years to get it all off." This meaning that it won't happen over night & you must stay motivated & believe that you WILL do it! :) Just because you may not see a change happen in a few days (which is my downfall) doesn't mean that…
  • That would be great if you could email it to me! I want to try a variety of things to see which works best or which one would work best for me. Thank you!
  • I've seen that book before & thought about trying it! I may just do so & I'll let ya know how it goes! Thanks!
  • What type of heart rate monitor do you have? The wrist ones?
  • They have these Special K chips out now that are healthy & very tasty. Those are good snacks if you feel like something salty. Pretzels or even those All Bran crackers are really good too! They come in different flavors like garlic herb.