YIKES!! I saw myself naked & it wasnt pretty!

:frown: Jabba the hut comes to my mind first. :sick:
Its amazing how i can deny what ive become till i see it upclose in the mirror.
Any package can look good wrapped up pretty, but its what inside that matters.
i cant deny it any longer , its time to face it & try to take control. if i cant love myself like this now, how can anyone else love me?
this is going to be a long struggle to lose the weight. i just need someone strong to keep me motivated & on track.
i know i sabotage myself with food & have sabotage others around me. theres nothing better than to find someone to cheat on my diet with. but the guilt afterwards shows just as much as the pounds on the hips.
How can i be so darn strong on other things, like pinching pennies, but when it comes to pinching that inch, i just cant?
does anyone feel like i do? does anyone have some great ideas to overcome my weaknesses?
how do i stay on track & lose the weight when I cant even navigate thru this website?
im so frustrated already that im ready to quit before i even start! :embarassed:
i sure do need a friend right now....


  • LiveLife73
    take your time and everything will fall in place...
  • naomihandler
    naomihandler Posts: 53 Member
    Realizing it is the first step, from there it is just making small steps and staying focused. Some things that have helped me are: putting a picture of me at my heaviest on the fridge, writing a list of what/why I deserve to be healthy and happy, looking at success stories on here or other sites, being accountable-even if I binge I log it. I also think that you have to recognize what are your weaknesses and limit those, for example I can not have sweets in my house- I will eat them. Also try and get as many friends as possible on here, it really helps. Good luck and we CAN do it!!!!!
  • staceyrenee831
    Sorry, but your post cracked me up!!! Naked, blah!!! Been there, done that - doing it again! Be persistant and keep your eye on the goal. If you screw up, start again! Don't beat yourself up...that doesn't help, it only makes you more depressed and de-motivated...good luck! As we age so do our bodies =( gravity isn't as forgiving as it once was. I certainly feel better when I am exercising and watching what I put in my mouth, that's all you can do!
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Take it one day at a time. Just ask yourself, "can I do this just for TODAY?" If you can, you can do it the next day, and the next!
  • lizm64
    lizm64 Posts: 8
    Feel free to friend me. I started in early January. You can do this!!
  • AshlyNichole03
    My mom has always told me, "It took you all these years to put it on, it will take you some years to get it all off." This meaning that it won't happen over night & you must stay motivated & believe that you WILL do it! :) Just because you may not see a change happen in a few days (which is my downfall) doesn't mean that you aren't getting healthier or that you won't lose the weight. :) You have to remember that it will take time, but you will start to FEEL the changes mostly likely before you SEE the changes. :)
  • jennygurumi
    Love yourself as the first step. You are obviously an intelligent and sensitive woman. You can do it. :)
  • AussieFirebird
    AussieFirebird Posts: 76 Member
    Ohhh Jabba - yes I have a name for myself as well - Mrs Blobby! What I think is, at the start you see all this weight you have to lose and it seems like too much - you want to be skinny NOW! But like some of the others have said here - dont be too hard on yourself, but be REAL. If you ate it, be accountable for it. If you need to - go and exercise off that candy bar! For me, my weakness is chocolate and fast food. Now, I stay clear of these places (if friends want to go, I say no - my weight is important to me!), and there is not a speck of chocolate in my house. When shopping, I bypass the sweets isle, as well as the fizzy drink isle. It all seems to huge now - but trust me - I am 3 weeks into it and already I am about to change my dress size...DOWN!! You can do this - have FAITH in yourself!
  • Miss7sines
    All great things take time.....I had to realize that "diets" don't work, and that a lifestyle change is the real way to lose the weight and keep it off...Don't get discouraged if you feel like your not losing weight fast enough, imagine how happy you will be when you are healthy and thinner! Nothing is more important than your happiness...even if it takes two years (just example), the two years will pass regardless, make them worth wild! Exercise, eat right, and build your support system...I'm here for you!
  • PinnHead
    To Add nothing taste better than skinny !! =D
  • tczaja
    tczaja Posts: 12
    Girl, the last time I saw my butt, I wondered when it fell!! Spandex is a miracle for false self esteem! :) You sould like you have a great attitude and all I can say is love yourself enough to make low cal decisions all day! It is really not that hard when you practice it every day! I am extremely motivated so feel free to friend me!! :)