

  • I just found a bridesmaids dress for my bestfriends wedding, I am the maid of honor and the only dress is a size 22(I have big boobs! My hips and waist were size 16)!!! The girl helping us did tell me that their dresses are 2-3 sizes smaller than what I would regularly wear but it still killed me but…
  • Female 20 Interested in males ages 20-28 Redmond, WA Not willing to relocate now but up to a long distance....depending on the connection!
  • I've been getting headaches since I started as well! I carry around a giant bottle of Ibuprofen now, but I'm pretty sure it's because my body isn't yet used to eating less.
  • You are my new motivation! I am so commited already but I love sitting and reading these success stories because it shows me that even though I'm not seeing much right now, I will soon! Thank you for being an inspiration for getting healthy and congratulations on the bikini! I'm hoping to wear one next summer!
  • Bump, I've been looking for a post like this!
  • I take a gas pill after I eat, my body does the same thing. I bloat if I even take one bite! I also do a laxative once a week to help clean my body out. Sometimes your food leaves behind proteins and bacteria in your intestines that cause bloating. I also did a 15 day cleanse a few weeks ago and it was amazing! I would…
  • I want to do it! My birthday is June 17th and I want to have lost 6 pounds by then! I want to be down 10 by the 4th of July!
  • Gluten allergies usually include allergies to wheat, barley, and rye. Also most things will say gluten free if they are. Natural food stores have a better selection in gluten free. Trader joes, whole foods, PCC, and others(those are the ones near me!) Udi's is a very good gluen free brand btw. I am not personally gluten…
  • I want to! I just officially started with my weight loss! I've been wanting to for so long but I finally buckled down! My starting weight as of Wednesday was 205.2, haven't weighed myself since then but I will be soon! I am using Alli as well which is bloating me a bit so I'm also a little scared to weigh myself. My goal…