

  • I was always an outside runner (since high school), but got a treadmill because I could never seem to get in a run during the day after college. After a while, it was really hard for me to get back outside. But, I started with my shorter, flatter, runs and with no expectations (and use a nike+ on my shoe to keep my pace)…
  • I should add...I enjoyed it so much that I skipped the 10k and went straight to the half marathon...:)
  • Even though I was a runner...and had done numerous 5ks, I still downloaded the Couch to 10k (expands on the Couch to 5K) program. I love eases you into it and makes the goal seem so much more attainable. Good for you!!!
  • I don't know if it's a runner thing...but sounds like no big deal to me. If you're not excessively vomiting, dizzy, seeing spots, etc...and particularly if it passes quickly and you're working within your expected fitness limits, I wouldn't worry. It shouldn't happen every time, and certainly shouldn't be a goal, but…