

  • I thought I was chunky when I got married 14 years ago and figured I would always be able to fit into my wedding dress. Ha! 45 pounds later I really know what chunky is!
  • I only lost 1 pound myself, but I'm excited, it's weight I didn't put on! I'm hoping by doing it slowly like this I won't take off ten or twenty pounds and then turn around and put thirty back on.
  • Completely understand the school thing, school has a tendency to make me put on pounds too. I have a few years to go to finish yet and am hoping to figure out a better eating system over the summer so I don't pack on the few pounds I manage to whittle off. Congratulations on graduating and best wishes with everything that…
  • I'm in! Tired of listening to all of the tiny little girls I work with complain about how much weight they need to lose!
  • I love Starbucks! It's a HUGE weakness for me when I want to treat myself or need a caffeine kick. My husband is an enabler in this habit but he has found out that if I get a non-fat grande peppermint mocha (my favorite) there is only 140 calories.