conetah24 Member


  • Yesterday was dreaded LEG DAY! Mile run with 3 minute cool down, 15 minute arc trainer!
  • Start weight: 260 Goal Weight: 240 Lbs to Lose: 20 by 12/26 08/25: 260.4 09/05: 256.2 10/03: 11/07: 12/05: 12/26:<<<GOAL WEIGHT>>> Not as much as I would have liked but have definitely firmed up. Athletic 256 haha.
  • Yesterday was an hour and a half upper body workout and abs, 1 mile run, and 20 minutes on the Arc Trainer!
  • I have 2 goals and thankfully I of them was realized this weekend already. 1) I agree with people not recognizing you being an awesome motivator but I had a slightly different take when that actually happened this weekend while in the city doing some labor day sale shopping. I was walking through the outdoor mall with my…
  • Yesterday was leg day and a softball game!
  • First things first: You CAN only control YOU! But some people make this so black and white and make it sound like there is only success and failure when trying to control your own impulses. It's a lifestyle change that starts with you and eventually ends with both of you in one way or another. Here are a few things that…
  • Yesterday was full body weights, 1/2 hour of racquetball, and a late 1 mile run that felt great.
  • I live in the country so this labor day weekend we are going to the city and taking my almost 2 year old to the zoo! Being away from home just means we have to try harder to find healthier eating options and I made sure that the hotel we are staying at has a gym with a treadmill and some dumbbells. It is my first real test…
  • I don't work out in the morning because I work out after work and rarely get on a computer at night. Yesterday was an hour of weight training, 1 mile run, and 1 1/2 hour of racquetball!
  • Last week wasn't really a set back but it was a little frustrating when you step on the scale and have only lost a pound. I work out regularly so I expect big loses like my first three weeks but I may have to face that I'm in that range now where it will take work and discipline to achieve my goal. The best thing to do is…
  • Since I just joined I will do my weight from yesterday since I have already dropped 14.3 lbs since the first of August :) Start weight: 260 Goal Weight: 240 Lbs to Lose: 20 by 12/26 08/25: 260.4 09/05: 10/03: 11/07: 12/05: 12/26:<<<GOAL WEIGHT>>>
  • 10 minute run, 10 minute walk, strength training; Bench, Squat, lunges, pull ups, hang curls, push press, sit ups, calf raises. Plus, I have a slow pitch softball game this evening. Hopefully I can eat right to make it worth it!