

  • Ashley you look fantastic!!! wow, just to see how far you have come makes me believe in myself even more:) TO date I have lost 47lbs and counting, I am new here and I love this site. Looking at the community and the inspirations of others makes me push through another day and another step forward.
  • WOW, you look amazing!!! Way to go:) Look how far you have come along in one year!! You look very good!! All the best on the rest of your journey.
  • I enjoy having a fruit of some sort or - crackers and cheese - frozen fruit - roasted red pepper hummu with baby carrots - peanut butter and plain greek yogurt
  • Way to go! take small steps and you will get to where you want to:) Believe in yourself and when you are doubting yourself email me and we will get through it together. So feel fee to add me if you like. Keep smiling,
  • London Ontario:) Welcome! feel free to add me if you would like. This site is pretty awesome! Kasia