Kokuzahn Member


  • Congrats on your journey. Great work. I am like you. I have been using MFP for a while, but today is the first day to join the community. I had to start myself over, because I maintained for 5 months, quit and gained 15 in 6 weeks. I'm starting again, because I worked too hard to lose control now.
  • I don't know about you, but I would rather be toned and shapely. I have seen very few size 0 ladies that looked healthy. Believe me, I was one through most of my 20's. When I see pictures of myself then, I looked bad...sick. Don't let someone else dictate how beautiful you are.
  • We hit plateaus. I got stuck in one for 5 months...same weight, no scale change, worked out, ate right. Very discouraging indeed. In that time I went down 2 pants sizes. Monitor your inches too! As for not being able to finish your program...do what you can! It is better than sitting on the couch. If you don't finish, try…
  • Hello all! I have been using MFP for a while, but have never ventured out into the community. I have been on a weight loss/fitness down hill slope for a couple of months and trying hard to get back on track. I quit smoking in Oct, so far so good...but I have gained 15 lbs back. I start again today, back on track. I am…