asusfan Member


  • VICE: Taco bells menu How do I over come it?: I look up how many calories are in whatever I want and ask myself if i'm willing to do the cardio that day to burn it off. 9/10 times its not worth it lol but on some days if i feel like a taco salad I'll spend the extra hour on my stationary bike burning off the extra 790…
  • I'm in but my goal is 25 pounds. been jogging every day 3 times a day for an hour each. Also just got myself a jump rope
  • i thrive on egg whites 100% peanut butter homemade whole wheat bread grilled skinless chicken breast salsa(good on everything) 1 minute oats pasta squash granola spring time salad mixes roman tomatoes 2% and fat free milk grilled fish(salmon, catfish, tuna, cod) cottage cheese flaxseed lean pork Legums(black,pinto,kidney…
  • I cant stand people who order 4 or 5 things from mcdonalds and say its ok because they get a large diet coke or douse a iceberg salad in ranch and call it healthy. Burns me up
  • IMHO if your peanut butter doesn't contain 100% peanuts, its an unhealthy waste of time. :( peanut flavored corn, soybean oils and salt bleh.
  • "i've had a cold for about 4 or 5 days and i've been popping them like candy, but the past 2 days i've been really tired, weak, dizzy and lightheaded. is that bad? " Woah, woah, woah, MV are meant to be taken once a day, some of the vitamin and minerals(fat soluble) in the MV can become toxic if you take too many. One MV…