What's your vice and how do you overcome it?

Hi, my name is Brittany and I am a caffeine addict. In the past 6 months I have become addicted to iced mochas and I am having trouble quitting this terrible habit. Not only is it bad to have a drink containing as much caffeine as an iced mocha has but the calories it adds to my daily intake are phenomenally high. I finally convinced myself to drive past the coffee shop this morning and not pick up my daily cup of heaven but I don't know how I can stop myself day after day. Any advice/input is appreciated. Thanks!!!


  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Replace it with a lower cal alternative. I too love mochas and high calorie coffee drinks, but I now have a small instead of a large and have sugar free vanilla with soy milk instead of mocha or pumpkin or whatever. I find that because I'm eating less and working out more, the caffeine is more effective and I don't need as much of it anyway.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Mine is salt (i use it on everything) I have been getting better
    watching processed food for sodium content keeping it below
    2500 mg.
    I have tried everything as far as substitutes go yuk!!
    Cant give up the shaker :ohwell:
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I had to give up McDonald's Caramel Frappes, oh my, they were delicious. I now make my own coffee, with sugarfree hazlenut coffeemate and it is a good alternative. Keeps me from stopping in McDonald's to get one. You can use up to 6 tablespoons of the sugarfree hazlenut and it is only 180 calories verses 600 calories in a large frappe.
  • rowdymcrowdy
    Like the OP wrote--try an alternative--and fake out your mind. I am a 100% certified ice cream freak. I have not had ice cream since Feb 1st. So when I started this journey I had to come up with an alternative. So now I take a 6oz vanilla fat free vanilla yogurt, mix it with some berries or cinnamon, and some stevia or whatever is low calorie and throw it in the freezer for 2 hrs before I eat it. So I am eating between 80-120 calories and my brain thinks it is ice cream.
  • asusfan
    asusfan Posts: 6
    VICE: Taco bells menu

    How do I over come it?: I look up how many calories are in whatever I want and ask myself if i'm willing to do the cardio that day to burn it off. 9/10 times its not worth it lol but on some days if i feel like a taco salad I'll spend the extra hour on my stationary bike burning off the extra 790 calories.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Mine is salt (i use it on everything) I have been getting better
    watching processed food for sodium content keeping it below
    2500 mg.
    I have tried everything as far as substitutes go yuk!!
    Cant give up the shaker :ohwell:

    Have you tried Sea salt. I like it just fine, to me it is a good alternative.
  • JenniferLynWhat
    All sweets are my vice. If there's donuts or brownies in the house -- I have no self control..Honestly, I let myself have them and I work out a little longer that day..I don't want to start something I can't keep up with. I'm never going to give up sweets but, having smaller portion sizes and following them with a bit of physical activity seems okay for me..
  • AlwaysLightlyOver
    My vice is chocolate chip cookies. More specifically, the chocolate chip cookies that are sold at the corner store 20 seconds away from my apartment. Seriously, I've never had better cookies than the ones sold there. They are amazing, they are mouth-wateringly delicious - they're the best cookies I've ever had in my life; they also happen to be absolutely terrible in terms of calories and saturated fat. (Not to mention, expensive.) And when I do give in and buy a bag, I eat basically the entire bag in one sitting.

    One thing that works for me is that I basically don't give myself the option of buying them. If I allow myself to buy it, I know I simply do not have enough self-control to not eat the whole bag, so I have to treat it like it's a completely forbidden food, not open for discussion, rationalizations, or even thought. As soon as I walk by the store, or have a craving, and I can feel myself thinking the cookies, I nip the thought in the bud, and think about something else. If I don't leave that option open as possibility, I find that I just kind of stop thinking about it after awhile.
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    Beer! my friends go out for a couple beers probably 5 nights a week. I just cannot do it. I try and limit myself to 1-2 a week, and order mocktails the rest of the time.....at least i look still look cool..... :)
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    My vice is most definitely wine. Everything else I can manage to do in moderation.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    Chipotle, Blood Mary's, Uncle Julios chips and Margaritas(Chicago fam knows what I am talkin about) and lastly Letizias Pumpkin muffins and Pumpkin spiced Lattes
  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    My vice is Full Throttle energy drinks. LOADED in carbs and calories! Instead, I've cut significantly back on energy drinks and when I do have one, it's a GoJoe shot--which has no calories. When I'm in the mood for a gourmet coffee I have no problem getting decaf with sugar free syrup to flavor it. They are actually quite good! My favorite is sugar free caramel machiatto with skim milk.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    Chipotle, Blood Mary's, Uncle Julios chips and Margaritas(Chicago fam knows what I am talkin about) and lastly Letizias Pumpkin muffins and Pumpkin spiced Lattes

    I too am very familiar with the UJ chips and "swirls".

    My vice is Taco Bueno mucho nachos. How do I overcome it? I dont go there. I have no self control there. They just call my name. I pass by taco bueno EVERYDAY on my way home and I literally have to look away. Dang i sound sad! Nachos are controlling me! Really?