Magdalene2011 Member


  • I have an aunt who drank several gallons a day - no kidding. Then she started having urinary tract issues, especially control problems. Her doc pointed out that overworking that system is no good, but of course good hydration is essential!
  • I love wine, it's true, but these days if I'm going to drink I normally have a couple of vodka cocktails. At 60-some calories/oz it works great with club soda and a lime for me. That said, check this article out and enjoy your wine! :drinker:
  • Love that response, me too! I have a sister who drinks at least a pot a day and along with her crazy life and running habit is down to a zero - yikes. As for me, everyday or else headaches and there's no way I could keep up with my 8-month old! Also, I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk. This runs a fraction of the…
  • Well, I'm glad others are using stevia - thanks for the comments! I have found a couple safety sources: And this abstract's authors conclude that in fact stevia is a mega-antioxidant!…
  • I did this "diet" in January and fell off of it after a few weeks. In that time I lost 6-8lbs. Since that time I put that back on plus several lbs, so what my ticker shows is actually not accurate. Since last Monday (one week) I've actually lost over 8lbs, which for a breast-feeder is not okay. My milk production isn't…
  • Tasting Table is terrific! Interestingly, I was raised by (30 years ago) ardent vegetarians and organic gardeners/orchard folk, and they just started eating (very rarely) wild-caught meats and fish/seafood. When asked, they responded that, well, "it smelled good to them!" Along with a previous poster, I support eating as…