

  • I once ordered a Dunkin Donuts veggie egg white flatbread. Smelled and tasted like an old sock.
  • I've been slowing clearing my pantry of processed foods. I used to be a big coupon clipper and couldn't pass on a great deal. Most of the deals were pre-packaged chemical laden garbage. I thought buying cheaper items with coupons would save me money, but now I know I was wrong. Organic and minimally processed foods go on…
  • My favorite breakfast is poached eggs over arugula. Arugula is a peppery flavored green so it goes great with eggs.
  • I have a herniated disc at C7. After a major pinched nerve last year and the subsequent physical therapy, I had to get back into exercze very slowly. But now I know the warning signs of aggravating that disc, and when I feel them, I adjust accordingly. For me, when I start to lose feeling in my fingers it's the sign for me…
  • Be careful with that kettlebell, especially if you are working out at home with a DVD or something like that. I did a Denise Austin kettle bell workout for a couple of months and wound up with a herniated disc in my neck. I had to trade my workout time to traction machine time. Not fun.
  • I started MFP in January and I was automatically set at 1200 calories. After 4 weeks I reset it to 1400. I've noticed that as I have regained muscle, I needed the extra fuel.
  • That smile says it all. Congratulations!
  • One of my favorite workout DVDs is Denise Austin Power Zone, because it's part yoga, part pilates and part dance. It's not a heavy duty workout but it's definitely a great pick-me-up.