

  • Put up a "regular day" worth of food in your diary, so people can see where you can have improvement. Don't deceive yourself, it is so easy to get into the "underestimating" trap.. It is good to calorie count for a couple of weeks to get a hold of the sizes of things relative to their weight, so you know portion sizes.
  • Exactly right. It is composition rather than calories that matter. You can lose weight eating 2000 calories of primal food and gain weight on 1000 calories of bread!
  • Dont eat convenience foods. if weightloss is important to you, make time for food preparation. If you're really pressed for time around mealtimes, make foods that are easy - ie vegetable soup, lentil patties, chickpea curries - that you can make well ahead of time and put in a fridge/freezer and just pull out and quickly…