FritcherJ Member


  • Monthly Goal: 5 pounds 10/1- 161.2 lbs. 10/8- 158.8 10/15- 161.6 (Oops!) 10/22- 162.2 10/29- So, I wasn't the only one...drat that fun weekend in St. Louis!! Oh well, totally worth it!! Are we going to do this in November? I'm starting an exercise boot camp next week and think my numbers would be much better :)
  • Monthly Goal: 5 pounds 10/1- 161.2 lbs. 10/8- 158.8 10/15- 161.6 (Oops!) 10/22- 10/29- I had A LOT of water this weekend (mixed with barley and hops). Oh well, starting over!
  • Monthly Goal: 5 pounds 10/1- 161.2 lbs. 10/8- 158.8 10/15- 10/22- 10/29- How that happened, I have no idea, but I'll take it!!
  • Monthly Goal: 5 pounds 10/1- 161 lbs. 10/8- 10/15- 10/22- 10/29- That would have me lose the weight I've gained since school has started. :)
  • Sounds like a great idea. Since school has started, I have seen my weight tip-toe back up. Accountability is a good thing :)