

  • I usually get about 6 hours sleep, but I need more. On weekends I make up for it, last Friday night I slept for 10 hours straight!
  • It is OK to like food, you just have to moderate the portion size, that's what I'm doing and it is working (with some exercise too) We all have our ups and downs, the important thing is the will power to want to change, and to then commit to it. Have you written down your goals? Writing them down and reading them every…
    in Lost Comment by saldous June 2011
  • You've got to enjoy life too, if there are some foods you like I think it is ok to once in a while to enjoy it and give yourself a break. You only live once, let yourself have a few treats now and then, but make up for it with some extra exercise so you don't feel bad about it.
    in "Cheat Day" Comment by saldous June 2011
  • Awesome!