MonkeyMel21 Member


  • When starting a new exercise program, go slow, slower than you want to at first. On days when you're too sore to work out, do a short warm up and then just stretch for 30 minutes as your work out (there are guided stretching videos on line, I like fitnessblender).
  • I would set the activity level to slightly active and make sure your weight is updated on your profile. I finally changed my weight and it took about 70 calories off my goal.
  • I have had a great alcohol free weekend. Last Wednesday I went out with my husband and a few friends and ended up drinking way too much and had to work through a slight hangover the next day. That night I decided I needed to go back to AF for the rest of the month. I’m so close to my weight goal and it’s clear now that…
  • You do not have to exercise to lose weight. A calorie deficit alone will do that.
  • You should be ok since you’ve rested so long. Make sure to warm up your muscles really well first though. And I suggest doing a warm up and a good 30 minute stretching session on your off days. It will help.
  • I have thinx and only use them as a back up to my cup and on super light days where it's pretty much just spotting. I do agree with heavier days they can be a little uncomfortable if they aren't a back up. But I love my Thinx for how I use them, they're perfect!
  • I use a cup and also use Thinx period panties as a back up ( I love them and never use anything disposable anymore). Thong ones for work outs. I did just buy a different brand cup than the one I was using for the past three years and noticed a lot of leakage, I'm not sure why. So, not sure if it's because you got a…
  • Yoga can be very beneficial. It's not cardio, no, but it improves strength and flexibility and can decrease stress and anxiety. You said you don't like sweating and feeling out of breath, yoga would be good for avoiding those.
  • What about yoga or pilates, have you ever tried those?
  • I love my profession and like my job a lot. Where I work now is laid back and not very challenging. I have a lot of downtime and read a lot and waste time on the internet, lol. Every once in a while I think about applying for a more challenging position within my scope of practice but then I have all the fears of "what if…
  • I don't go to salons or get my hair cut more than a couple times a year but I definitely have to plan work outs with regard to my hair maintenance schedule. I have really long hair and only wash it twice a week and it's this whole long process from start to finish. I can not work out in the mornings before work AND wash my…
  • I'm kind of in a weird feeling spot right now. I have made great progress with reaching my weight loss goal since Jan 1st, but the further along I go now, the more I find myself wanting to drink again more often. I didn't plan on drinking anything last night but the urge overwhelmed me and I had the two beers we had in the…
  • While on the treadmill I watch really interesting shows and time flies by. For strength training I use Fitnessblender and do a variety of work outs while listening to upbeat music.
  • I had success last night staying AF while my husband had a few beers! I slept so good last night and no groggyness or hangover this morning, and I stayed under my calorie goal!
  • I had no alcohol yesterday, didn't even think twice about it. I was up bright and early this morning, ready for a work out! The scale was the highest it's been in 2 weeks but I know that most of it is water weight from my birthday so I am looking forward to that downward trend in the next few days. Hope everyone is having…
  • This is where it all went downhill for me, when I started getting tipsy while cleaning the house, lol. It definitely makes it more enjoyable, but by the end of the evening I've had more drinks than I could count and started gaining weight and spending enormous amount of money on liquor and beer. Glad you've joined us in…
  • Ok. Yesterday was my birthday and it was a very nice day! We went and had German food and beer for dinner and it was glorious. I, again, didn't work out this morning just like the mornings after I drank last week. I think after just eating everything yesterday and not calorie counting, that I am ready to buckle down again…
  • A little disappointed in myself tonight. I had a couple drinks with rum while at home. I had a really great run outside earlier and obviously decided to have a drink, which turned in to three. I’m still below my calorie goal but I would have done even better, or would have had a Girl Scout cookie for dessert if I hadn’t…
  • I did well in January but towards the end starting having a few unplanned days of drinking. Last night was a planned night since I went out with a co-worker. I drank a couple times last week and while I didn’t gain weight, I didn’t keep to my losing trend I had going. I’m excited to get back on track this weekend but today…
  • So, I thought the title said "husbands at the gym" and started reading the first sentence and thought you were going to be embarrassed for your husband to see you sweat, lmao!! With that said, just wear a headband!! Don't worry about others. I, personally, can not wear headbands ever because they slide off my head almost…
  • Thank you! I'm just so pleased with myself for sticking to it this time. But I am starting to worry about February. There's a lot more events and my brain is picking at my willpower, lol.
  • I'm in for February! I still have a weight loss goal of at least 3 more lbs to lose. I'm not sure exactly how long that will take but when I do get to my goal weight, I want to still log at maintenance and add alcohol back in while keeping track of it and HOPEFULLY have a more positive relationship with alcohol for the…
  • My husband made my favorite dinner last night, and also bought a 12 pack of beer. I’ve been doing so well with my calorie goals/weight so I decided to have some with him while he cooked. It was good, I felt good and had a good time but I had three when I should have just had one or two, and I completely let lose with…
  • I weighed myself this morning and am down exactly 10 pounds from January 1st!!! (of course 3 or 4 of those was water weight that came off within the first 3 days) I honestly don't think I could have done so well if I had included alcohol in with my daily calories. I think that's why I've failed the past three years,…
  • My original goal starting January 1st was to have no alcohol till I hit my goal weight (still have 4 pounds to go but it will be at least another month till I get there). I did really well the first two weeks of Jan, then had drinks at an impromptu office party at a brand new brewery across the street. I wanted that to be…
  • I had a nice, AF weekend! I got in some great workouts and kept to my calorie goals. Still a little lazy w/r/t cleaning the house but it’s not a pigsty, and I gave my cat a bath which was a deal, lol. I’m ready for the next week! Hope everyone had a nice, successful weekend!
  • Well, I gave in last night. My husband, again, was having a beer while making dinner and while I previously held strong, the temptation proved to be too much. Thankfully he was making a chicken ceasar salad for dinner so I had the available calories. I’m not hungover this morning but I don’t feel great, still going to work…