Jen_ht Member


  • Oop, sorry pic is a little blurry - it was the end of the night!
  • Thanks everyone - for those who are interested the dress was very strategically cut (see below) :wink: I upped the water and made sure my sodium was low to minimise bloating! For UK peeps - dresses from Phase 8 are a dream for accentuating curves in the right places!
  • This may be true....nearly everyone there works in the food/catering/restaurant trade and loves their food! Thanks guys - you're making me feel much better. I'll just make sure I get a dress that's really flattering :wink:
  • Thanks guys - yes I'd heard about salt so will keep an eye on it. I know the scale doesn't show but I feel like my stomach is more pulled in than it used to be and my waist is more defined. I stupidly didn't take pictures when I started so don't know if it's in my head or actually happening!
  • YES ME!!! I friggin' LOVE walking. :love: I will walk whenever I can rather than taking the car or public transport (unless I have shopping to carry that's too large to fit in a rucksack!) I now do 4 miles to and from work (8 miles a day) usually the full 5 days a week usually. I have had surgery on my left knee and find…
  • I'm so stubborn, I needed someone to BET me that I couldn't do it!!! My momma bet me I couldn't last 2 weeks without booze and cigarettes. I wanted so badly to prove her wrong that I did it and two years on I drink much less than I did and barely smoke (only when I'm out with friends who smoke). I broke the back of the…
  • Already hiked Grand Canyon :) BIG TICK! Next would like to see Angkor Wat I would like to learn Icelandic so I can converse with my bestie and her baby girl in their native language I would like to do London to Brighton 100km in 24 hrs hike for charity 3 peaks challenge Tough mudder See Northern Lights (going to Iceland in…
  • Bump for all these awesome ideas. It does save a load of money. Even when I'm in a rush, I try and either chuck a salad or pitta together - usually some form of lean protein like fish or skinless chicken plus a ton of spinach and mix up the veg. Otherwise, I find Fattoush is immensely filling and tasty - North African type…
  • I'm in! Hoping to get through level 2 before I go on holiday, and carry on doing level 2 warming up to 3 when I get back again. Doing it every day during the week and weekends if I can in the AM, plus gym and/or sports in the evening. Feel free to add me for motivation! Does anyone else have a fitbit or HRM to track the…
  • Bump - brilliant post thanks so much for the simple explanation! I've been struggling in the 162lb mark for weeks now hopefully this might help.
  • Glad I could help! I would say take your own water. You can boil whatever you find but boiling definitely doesn't affect half the chemicals you find in there from from pesticides etc. that you get now. Also, the best thing I find is when you're out foraging, take a little handbook with you with lots of pictures - this will…
  • It's fair enough to want to do that and I think you should, but I also think you should take some food with you. Surviving off the land is really tricky unless you know what you're looking for WITHOUT FAIL. I go foraging on a regular basis and I will only pick up what I can positively identify, 100% with no doubt,…
  • Thank you so much - that's really helpful, and motivating. :happy: I've had a few weeks breaks from being either ill or on holiday so not as dedicated as I should have been but working on that now. 900cal days are probably from going out with work and being too guilty to log, or just plain forgetting. I don't know what my…
    in Inspire me! Comment by Jen_ht March 2013
  • Hey, I have a question. I'm getting really demotivated as I'm bumbling around the 160lbs but not managing to get below that. I'll admit I'm not the strictest with myself, but I've come to realise I'm a 'small steps' person; I can cut down but if I cut out altogether then when it gets to the weekend then I binge eat.…
  • My boyfriend is 32 and I'm 25 - we don't give it half a thought...apart from when he references some TV from the 80s and I have to remind him I wasn't born until 88! Naw, but I've been out with guys my age and it just didn't work out. We didn't have the same life goals, I've always been mature for my age so me and my bloke…
  • Zin es Gourmeden - Tinariwen Trying to drown out Radio 1 at the Mali beats help me concentrate :smile:
  • Cups are very misleading! I use either grams or ounces. And one recipe I have for a delectable apple cake in fact uses both in one recipe...but this recipe was handed down to me and isn't in a book so that's why! When I first read a recipe using 'cups' I thought you could use like a regular coffee mug...I think you can but…
  • Day 6 tonight and looking forward to it! Stopped aching now, but still doing the "cheat" press-ups as can't manage very many proper ones. When I started I could barely do 4 press ups and now I can do the whole time :happy: Still got a clicky knee (had cartilege removed 2 years ago) when doing side lunges with anterior…
    in Level One Comment by Jen_ht January 2013
  • Hi, I've been on here for a while but only seriously stuck to it since september last year and now having a ball with it! I'm generally on here a fair bit so please feel free to add me for motivation and fun fitness times! :happy:
  • Bahahaha! :laugh: love this!
  • Well my goal is 155lbs but I think 10lbs is a bit steep??
  • My motivation and my reward is to look smokin' in my bikini for my holiday at the end of the month! Good on you for setting your target ;)
  • I'm doing 30DS - day 5 and it just stopped hurting and feels great! I feel stronger already :) I don't have a HRM so am tentatively estimating the burn on this and I'm combining it with an hours brisk walk most days. Add me if you want!
  • Level1 day 4 done on Saturday. Had a rest day on Sunday (went for a half hour brisk walk instead). Walked to work this morning (4 miles) and will be doing day 5 of 30DS tonight. I seem to have got over the aches and pains now although I still find the push-ups so hard! I don't have a HRM so I'm looking to get one but until…
    in Level One Comment by Jen_ht January 2013
  • Thanks everyone for your thoughts! After day 4 of 30DS I stopped aching so much so had a rest day yesterday (just a quick half hour walk) and back to the 4 miler this morning and 30DS tonight. We'll see how that goes - I think as many of you have said, I'll keep Sunday as rest day and 30DS 6 days a week with walking maybe…
  • Hehee I know what you mean. But milk is still milk, even if it's skimmed! I've cut down to black coffee only now...I'm allowed a skinny capp if it's a special occasion only. :ohwell: Trying to persuade myself that I like green tea...... *bleargh*
    in Coffee Comment by Jen_ht January 2013
  • Hi All, London girl signing on. Great to have more UK friend, anyone feel free to add. Been here since sept (I think) and nearly reached a stone before xmas, but had a little cheeky break over the holidays so now back on the wagon! :wink:
  • Weight - 165.8lbs Waist (thinest part) - 32" Waist (bulgy part) - 38.5" Thigh - 25" Arms (bicep) - 12" Bust - 39" Under bust - 32" Butt - 43.7" No pics just yet but I'll try and do one tonight. Started the shred on the 2nd at level one. Two days in and I ACHE! Good luck everyone :bigsmile:
  • Agree with the above - keep it accurate. You're bound to have some ups and downs, it feels better to track them all, rather than pretend it didn't happen!
  • Hi my name is Jenn and I've just given myself far too much time off over the Xmas break :grumble: - I've never done the shred before but I have a holiday to Mexico on the 28th Jan so won't be able to complete it before I go but I want to try and do it everyday and see where I get to!!! I'm a bit scared because I've heard…