Anyone getting addicted to walking??



  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I was smitten with a love of walking a few years ago. I walked when I was bored. I walked when I was upset. I walked when the weather was too wonderful to NOT walk. I set up walking dates instead of coffee dates to chat with friends. I probably walked 10k a day. I remember walking the 50K for Weekend to End Breast Cancer, then coming home and being disappointed that no one was home. Solution? A walk of course! Went another 5k before I decided that perhaps it's time to rest. I'm trying to run now to get my exercise in a little faster, but still love to walk.
  • AvidJuicer
    AvidJuicer Posts: 1
    I just got off the treadmill a couple of minutes ago. I walked for 2 hours on full incline. I started walking again on a consistent basis about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I've purchased several workout dvds and never stick with it. I think I've finally realized that I prefer to keep things simple. I love walking because it's relaxing, challenging and versatile. I love the fact that you don't have to be "in shape" to walk. I'll more than likely reach my fitness goals now because walking is something that I actually enjoy.
  • MargaretSobers
    MargaretSobers Posts: 167 Member
    One of the biggest temptations when you have decided to walk or do exercises is to join a local Gym. Joining a Gym can be encouraging and discouraging at the same time. Encouraging because you might see some people way too fat and obese than you are and discouraging too because you will see many people showing off their six-pack abs. I love walking outside too, but the humidity is terrible especially in summers.So walking is mostly helpful in winters.
  • Looby47
    Looby47 Posts: 43 Member
    Yes I love walking too. I say my hobby is hillwalking although I've not done the real hills in a long time but its my target to get fit enough to not need to stop for breath every 10 seconds!

    I love walking in the countryside and joined The Ramblers. I'm just about to get back into it as my dad died recently and I've had couple of months off MFP. I used to write all the Ramblers walks dates and times in my diary (I work shifts) and looked forward to doing them, in fact got really disappointed if something else got in the way. I love that feeling especially in Spring when you're on a footpath and can see lovely green views and its all quiet around me. There's a whole new world to explore on public footpaths!

    To fit it around work, I also started getting off the train early or later and walking to the car a couple of miles before or after work (yeah. that old chestnut! ....but it worked!).

    I'm looking for a few new friends on MFP as mine seem to have gone quiet apart from a few already existing local friends so would be great to be in touch with people who genuinely like the outdoors! I'll be logging my exercise via Endomondo soon when I get started.
  • shiec92
    shiec92 Posts: 688 Member
    YES, me!

    Over the past week I've been walking a lot and actually starting to enjoy it.
    I haven't lost any weight but I feel better in myself :D
  • scolloby
    scolloby Posts: 22 Member
    And me....I had an arthroscopy on my knee (torn ligament) 5 weeks ago and it's given me a new lease of life, I cannot believe how fast I'v recovered and got my knee strengthened. I walk outside, coast path, woodland, countryside, because I live in Cornwall in the UK. I walked for 5 hours up and down hills etc on Saturday but generally aim to do 1-2 hours depending on the time we (me and my man) have available. I need to be outside - the psychological side of being out in nature, in the elements, is invaluable to me. I've this week started to do the C25K, so I'm also running in the same places too. Now I have my fixed knee, we have plans for some major walks in Europe. What I cannot do is properly log what I do in MFP because the routes I take are so irregular in whether they are up, down or on the flat, also gradient.
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    Love, love, love walking. If I don't get in at least two miles a day, I'm a moody so-and-so. Luckily, that's just to and from the third nearest tube station, so I can get it in when I go to work.

    I try for at least another three miles on top at least three times a week. Although with work being busy (I'm an accountant and we're in the throes of year-end) and my partner being injured, I'm missing it a bit.

    I find a good long walk clears the head, gets you breathing better and moving more easily. Good for the brain, for sleep and general well-being. Extra calories to eat is just a bonus on top of that!

    When I started out, I found anything over four miles was too strenuous on the old knees, but as time's gone on, dropping the weight and getting more mobile, I can easily do eight miles. Am hoping to get some hill-walking in later in the year (and I've my eye on a 24 mile in 12 hours challenge across the Yorkshire Three Peaks.)
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    Yes. I've been walking with my now 2yo in the stroller since he was 9 mos old. Now he gets upset if we leave the house and get in the car instead of the stroller. If we skip our daily walk, he gets cranky and tries to jiggle the front door handle, trying to get me to leave.
  • slk_5555
    slk_5555 Posts: 177 Member
    I've really upped my walking since I got my Fitbit Flex about 7 weeks ago - I currently average about 6km per day. Sometimes I just walk around the town with a friend for 1-2 hours. Other times I walk in the mountains, which really gets the heart rate up.

    I live in Ireland & the problem right now is trying to avoid the rain - on Tuesday we had hailstones & today its 20 degrees Celsius - its erratic to say the least. I like the mountain walks best - the countryside here really is stunning.
  • bbail1e
    bbail1e Posts: 11
    I agree. I am beginning to feel horrible on the days that I don't walk at least one mile per day. It increases energy and allows me to free my mind from a long day at work. I am working my way up to five days per week. It is really nice that I can take my lunch hour walk 5k, shower, and then my day Is close to finish. I take my children to the park or trak near my houe after work #play60 and I walk until one of them has to pee since there are no bathrooms lol (usually about 2+ miles):ohwell: :ohwell:

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  • fitnforward
    fitnforward Posts: 62 Member
    I had a bad knee injury in 96 with surgery etc. I still have trouble with stairs, squats, and running. I can jog a little bit but not long and far. Walking has helped me a lot. I walk usually 3 miles a day and I feel fantastic. More energy and sleeping better at night. The extra weight on my knees didn't help all these years either. I'm only 5'4 and my highest weight was 170 recently that was higher than when I was 9 mos pregnant. I said, "that's it time to change". I'm 51 this month I want to be here a little longer. :happy:
  • YvonneCT
    YvonneCT Posts: 42 Member
    Yep. Me. I love walking. It is my spiritual retreat. I can't live without it. I consider that a good thing.
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    When its sunny I get itchin to get out there and walk with my dog! We do 1.5-2.4 miles a day ( I have the carry the little old man for about 1/3 the walk cause he is too old and has a bad back to do it all but he dont mind, he just hangs out in my arms soaking up the scenery lol a 13 yr old bichon who had to have back surgery when an adolescent )
    The only thing i dont like about my daily walks is those creepy gawking old men who always gotta rubber neck at any female on the street. Anyone else get the jeebies by em?
  • Jen_ht
    Jen_ht Posts: 99 Member
    YES ME!!! I friggin' LOVE walking. :love: I will walk whenever I can rather than taking the car or public transport (unless I have shopping to carry that's too large to fit in a rucksack!)

    I now do 4 miles to and from work (8 miles a day) usually the full 5 days a week usually.

    I have had surgery on my left knee and find running is very hit and miss because of my current weight putting extra weight on my joints. Walking has changed my life - I'm calmer, I sleep better and feel so much healthier day by day :happy:

    Considering getting a fitbit or HRM now to track more's definitely addictive!
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    Good morning everyone! I started walking 6 days a week about 2 weeks ago. I usually walk outside or a track 3 miles daily plus walking around house cleaning etc. But now I feel like a "walking" Forrest Gump I want to walk all the time!! I'm looking for walking marathons to do etc. I feel so much better
    increased stamina, losing weight, and better sleep. I LOVE IT!!

    Is anyone else addicted to exercise, jogging, walking???? :flowerforyou:

    I am totally shocked that I am enjoying and looking forward to my morning runs.
    Mornings?!? Runs?!?

    And to think that a month a half ago I was a total anti-morning-couch-potato. (seriously struggled to jog 30 seconds)

    Not that I'm all chirpy in the mornings now, but I am totally loving seeing the sunrise while I run through the sprinklers. (Plus, it beats running in 95 degree weather during the day)
  • kinmad4it
    kinmad4it Posts: 185 Member
    Walking is my quick, relatively, go to exercise normally.

    Unfortunately, right now, I've sustained some weird hip injury and can barely walk for more than a quarter mile before the pain sets in. So at the moment, I'm really missing walking. Especially as I'm a postman, so can't even do my normal job and would usually be doing at least 10 miles a day. Now I'm lucky to reach 3.

    I hate not being able to pop a coat on, turn on some tunes and head off out for an hour or two.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    About a year ago I started walking for health and weight loss. At 60 pounds overweight I started having knee problems so bought a stationary recumbent bike which also got me through the winter. Now 60 pounds lighter, I've been walking again and bought a cheap, lightweight backpack so I can walk to one of the grocery stores and not have to mess with carrying bags on the way back. It's worked out perfectly. The backpack is small enough to roll up and carry in my hand on the way to the store (doesn't hang well empty) and I'm careful not to purchase too much to make it too heavy for the walk home. No excuse for not having fresh vegetables for dinner! Walk is my "go to" but I make myself do other exercise just to mix it up.
  • fitnforward
    fitnforward Posts: 62 Member
    Wow! Your walking mileage is amazing! Good for you! I want to get up to 8-10 miles a day... like I said I feel like Forrest Gump I walk walk walk instead of run run run. Keep up the good work! You are a fantastic role model for us walkaholics!! :bigsmile:
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I feel in love with running :) It's so nice to actually look forward to something, isn't it?
  • bald_navy_wife
    bald_navy_wife Posts: 81 Member
    yep,I'm addicted too. i have to do at least 3 miles 5 days out the week