Anyone getting addicted to walking??

Good morning everyone! I started walking 6 days a week about 2 weeks ago. I usually walk outside or a track 3 miles daily plus walking around house cleaning etc. But now I feel like a "walking" Forrest Gump I want to walk all the time!! I'm looking for walking marathons to do etc. I feel so much better
increased stamina, losing weight, and better sleep. I LOVE IT!!

Is anyone else addicted to exercise, jogging, walking???? :flowerforyou:


  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    I love walking, I prefer outside, but here in NC it's too darn hot. Treadmill gets so boring for me. I always wanted to run and I have a hard time dedicating a long period of time to walk/run.
  • fitnforward
    fitnforward Posts: 62 Member
    I love walking outside too, but the humidity is terrible in KY. I usually try to walk early in the morning and evening time. I like indoor tracks but I get a little bored walking around and around. I'm trying to add variety to my walking surroundings to keep it interesting!
  • scottishgal127
    scottishgal127 Posts: 10 Member
    I love walking, too. I'm not much of a jogger, but have found so many benefits from walking. I live in Calgary, so it's usually cool over hot, which I prefer for walking. I agree with you about variety and not getting bored. :)
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    I love walking outside too, but the humidity is terrible in KY. I usually try to walk early in the morning and evening time. I like indoor tracks but I get a little bored walking around and around. I'm trying to add variety to my walking surroundings to keep it interesting!

    When I have time to do this in the morning, usually if my son times his nap right lol, I watch price is right and do a little on the treadmill. I have lost motivation to use it because I've been so busy doing other things. I'm very rarely on the computer, usually an hour or two in the morning doing school work. I've started gardening and that takes a lot of energy, especially in the heat. I've been kind of counting that as a little exercise, though I don't log it.
  • crazygoog
    crazygoog Posts: 20 Member
    I have given myself a 21 day challenge of walking 5 miles per day. I do 1.5 miles on treadmill before work, then the round trip to work is a further 1.5 miles, meaning I only need to walk 2 miles after I have got home. Currently on day 10 and successful so far, 50 miles in.
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    Addicted may be too strong a word but I agree with all the benefits you listed. I prefer outside walking, but when I can't, I use the treadmill and listen to some music. When it is hot and/or humid, I simply adjust my pace. I figure walking at any pace is better than the couch right?
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    I enjoy walking, but as with any exercise, if you do the same thing too long the benefits begin to diminish. It was awesome the first few months! Now I'm transitioning to cross-trainers, rowing, and/or bicycling. Lacking a mountain in my backyard, that makes it much easier to get my hear rate into the zone. :)
  • schonsdragon
    schonsdragon Posts: 102 Member
    I love walking especially first thing in the morning. I prefer to walk outside on the trails because it is always changing from day to day and it allows me that quiet time to get me mentally ready for the day. Depending the day I will walk between 3-7 miles, the difference tends to be if I have my camera bag with me and that adds about 30 pounds. When I can't walk outside I do use the treadmill but find that while it does get the body moving I don't get the mental lift that I get from outside.
  • Tera_1984
    Tera_1984 Posts: 18 Member
    I like walking outside too but I wouldnt say Im getting addicted but it is the workout I prefer over all of the others you can choose from.
  • Eoghann
    Eoghann Posts: 130 Member
    I've always loved walking. It's just that I stopped scheduling time for it. My Fitbit showed me just how inactive I had become. Now I'm back up to 5-6 miles a day plus the occasional longer walks at the weekend.

    I can't be bothered with treadmills or tracks though. It may achieve the same result but my brain knows I'm going nowhere and I lose motivation fast.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I sneak in walks almost every day. From 15 minute miles quick breaks, to hours of long fitness walks. Knees just can't take running anymore.
  • librarysteg
    librarysteg Posts: 29 Member
    Yes! I definitely am. I've been walking on the paved walking track at my daughters' school several nights a week. It's nice because they can play at the playground, and I can see them while I get my walk in. I have a goal of 3-4 days a week, and I've been doing a little over 2 miles, but I feel like it isn't enough, and I really miss the walk on the days when I don't get one in.
  • Always_Belle
    Always_Belle Posts: 73 Member
    All activity is simply amazing - much better than sitting, yes? Great time of the year to incorporate a walking workout. Enjoy :)
  • bill_i_am
    bill_i_am Posts: 180 Member
    I love a good walk! I try to walk about 3 miles or so everyday. It has been the predominant exercise that I've used during my weight loss. I much prefer to walk outside over the treadmill. I would say I'm pretty much addicted to it :)
  • brittneyleighphotography
    I'm doing 3.2 miles 5X a week right now. Great extra burn on my workout days and just lets me eat more on my rest days!
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I absolutely love walking! I love how a good walk energizes me instead of making me tired or worn out. I do a mixture of power walking outdoors on a track and doing Leslie Sansone and Jessica Smith walking videos at home.

    This month I challenged myself to do 4 miles 6 days per week.

    I've been doing 2 - 3 miles first thing in the morning and 2 - 3 miles a couple of hours after dinner. On the weekends I'm able to get in 4 or 5 miles at once. It all depends on my day and how I'm feeling. So far I'm at 64.75 miles this month!
  • mushu0517
    mushu0517 Posts: 21 Member
    I love walking. I walk to and from work when it's not raining out. i also walk around the lake that isn't too far from my house. Actually walking is the way that i lost most of my weight...
  • FraggleRockerFitnessLover
    Nope, not I said the fly. I am addicted to Aerosmith, Cheese, pugs, the color purple and working out, oh, and nipples
  • mushu0517
    mushu0517 Posts: 21 Member
    I love walking, I prefer outside, but here in NC it's too darn hot. Treadmill gets so boring for me. I always wanted to run and I have a hard time dedicating a long period of time to walk/run.

    you should get the "couch to 5k" app. it'll train you to run a 5k. the 1st week will be run for 60 secs, walk for 90 secs. the 2nd week(which is what i'm on)is run for 90 secs and walk for 90 secs. the 3rd week is run for 90 secs, walk for 90 secs, run for 3 mins and walk for 3 mins. it just get harder from there. it's fun to do. you can do it outside or on the treadmill. i'm actually training for a 5k, but even if i wasn't i still would use this app because it breaks up the walking all the time.
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    I love walking, hiking, jogging, wanting to get my rear in shape for running. I walk 2 miles every morning to and from my son's school and train 3x a week for c25k training with a friend at the park. the rest of my workouts consist of my elliptical and workout dvds.