

  • Try to remember that as well as being delicious, food is fuel. You only get out of your body what you put in. You probably feel so tired and faint because you aren't giving your body the energy that needs to maintain all that exercise. Think like an Athlete or Dancer, not only do they train hard but they give their body…
  • Great post! I've not heard of many of these, so I'm looking forward to discovering some new recipies to go into rotation :) I love Hip & Healthy for super healthy recipies and ideas. Hipandhealthy.co.uk / recipes on the blog section and an e-book. I mainly use Instagram for inspiration and follow lots of foody accounts.…
  • You could try this Cottage Cheese topping as a base and maybe amend it to make it less topping more "frosting". It's from a recipie I found online for the MOST delicious Chocolate and PB Mug cake. It makes a single serve, so easy to work out for a batch :) Whipped Banana Cottage Cheese Ingredients: - ¼ cup Low Fat Cottage…
  • I agree with you whole heartedly. I'm in it for the lifestyle change, I'm actually really enjoying discovering real food and whilst my weight has yet to change much, my hair, skin, nails and energy levels are 1000x better since I stopped finding ways to eat my beloved junk food and sugar. I wish I had this clarity years…
  • I just love Zucchinis :) Especially Spiralized, they have a really nice texture and quite often I don't even bother cooking them. I've actually not tried squash noodles, so I will give them a go too. I use egg plants also, but find egg plants make a lasagne taste more like a Mousaka - but if I'm in the mood for Mousaka,…
  • Go Bikini shopping!! I did yesterday, nearly had a mental breakdown in the changing room. I too have been hugely slack the last couple of weeks, but after that experience yesterday, I ran until my vision blurred today!
  • I'm a huge fan of raw chocolate. Tastes amazing, and whilst you are still going to need to save some calories for it, the ingredients actually have nutritional benefits, as opposed to empty calories (like the Skinny Cow products, which I too try to avoid). Also vegan friendly and gluten free. A couple of examples i've made…
  • I love home made turkey burgers & mango & avocado salsa. So easy to make, freeze well and the fruity salsa stops my cravings for desert. I love to cook & rarely measure, normally throw in things as I find them in my fridge. Turkey Burgers: Pack of ground turkey mince. Half a red chilli, diced into little bits Quarter green…
  • Great post! I'm always trying to think of inventive ways to swap out foods for better versions. So far my main swapsies are: - Mashed & steamed Cauliflour for Rice - Spiralized Zucchini in place of pasta & Spaghetti noodles - Thinly sliced zucchini in place of Lasagne Noodles - large lettuce leafs used instead of taco…