HCGonzalezJr87 Member


  • Most nutritional entries are for raw foods. You can weigh it either way. For example, if cooking a 4oz serving of ground beef from a 16oz pack measure it raw. If you cook it in bulk and want to do a 4oz servings, weigh all of the cooked meat and divide it by 4 to get your cooked serving size. What you don't want to do is…
  • I'm sorry, but this is a load of bull ****. America didn't get fat off of protein, it got fat off of unhealthy foods like soda, sweets, junk food, fast food, and a lack of exercise. I can't say exactly how much you need, because I am not your doctor and don't know you, but going over what MFP recommends or the FDA isn't…
  • It is normal. It comes out one way or another if you are not used to it. In HS I use to get sick when I ate out with friends, pizza, burgers, fried chicken, about once a month. Really makes you think about what you put in your body when it reacts that way.
  • You need to find your base first. You can search online or you can set your goal on MFP to maintain weight. Then, record that number, and edit your goal again to lose 2lbs per week. Example My base is 2490 calories a day to maintain. To lose 2lbs per week, I need to have a 1,000 calorie per day deficit. 1490 calories if I…