melrose155 Member


  • 45 here and wanting to get rid of these last 16 pounds (already lost over 140 pounds over the last 8 years)...struggling with the last bits!!
  • I've been doing 18:6 intermittent clean fasting for 3 weeks for this exact reason...mindless eating/snacking. I started with 16:8 IF and then quickly found that I preferred a slightly longer fast. It has helped me lose 11 pounds, but also get my snacking under control. If I want something, I put it aside a wait for my…
  • RNY 5/23/2011 Starting weight-310.0 Lowest weight-152.0 Current weight-168.6 Goal Weight: 155.0 (maybe 150...we'll see) Got back on track on 12/1 when I noticed I was inching toward 180 (weighed in at 178.2 that morning) and no way I'm allowing myself to get "that close" to 200!! Went back to basics, journaling, water, no…
  • RNY May 23, 2011 (8.5 years) Female Surgery Weight: 310 Current Weight: 171 Lowest Weight: 152 Goal Weight: 150 Trying to get a 16 pound regain off by getting back to the basics and IF
  • Hi there! Surgery: RNY Date: May 23, 2011 (coming up on 9 years) Surgery Weight: 310 Current Weight: 171 Lowest Weight: 152 Goal Weight:155 Goals: Getting off this extra 16 pounds that have "creeped" on (nah, it's all my fault) by getting back to the basics combined with IF Hoping to be support for new pre-op folks, as…
  • Beef jerky, cheese sticks, almonds, pistachios, protein bar, protein shake, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese...all high protein, no/low carb. Keeps you fuller and satisfied longer.
  • I'm 5.5 years out from RNY started at 308 pounds and never actually made it to goal (target=150 lbs). I cam close at 153, but then had some bounce-back weight, had 2 years of thinking I was "cured" and could eat like a "normal" person. Got up to 173.8 and freaked! Couldn't believe I put on 20 lbs in what I imagined was…
  • I literally JUST made this last night! It's so yummy and I don't even thicken up the gravy. Plus I substitute 1 can of beef broth for the 2 cups of water...this couldn't be easier and so tasty. I just leave it in the crock pot for a few hours on high, shred the meat with a fork (it'll fall apart) and turn down to low and…
  • I misread the original post and thought you were looking for a kitchen scale. My bad.