Birdlandia Member


  • I already see a dermatologist reguarly, so I guess it's just my body adjusting to the new foods? :P Maybe I need a different type a medicine now that my diet has changed, I don't know. Hopefully things will straighten themselves out! I guess the silver lining is that I'm FINALLY on my way to a healthy weight. :)
  • Thanks :) I'll try and drink more water, hopefully that will clear things up!
  • I actually have been eating pretty healthy these past two weeks. The first half of this past month, I admit, I was eating a bit more fatty foods to try and get some calories in... However now I've been able to eat a lot more during meals and so my junk food consumption has cut down significantly. I have maybe two snacks…
  • Thanks for the tips :}
  • Thanks :} I'll try substituting all the water I drink with a couple Ensures/Slim Fasts each day!
  • Oh my, a gallon? Milk fills me up too fast, so I don't think I'll be doing that anytime soon. Though, I'm sure it won't hurt me if I drink an extra glass of milk each day. :}