

  • I believe everything you said about the dream your mum had. when I was in a bad place (doing bad things) my bf appeared to me in several dreams and i turned my life around as i recognised it was him warning me. You are doing a great job and Sabastian will be SOOOOOOO proud of you. More importantly be so proud of yourself,…
  • All i can say is AMAZING!!!!!! good for you x
  • I think every build is different. My sister and I are both 5ft 7 but she suits 10st and everyone says 10 1/2 stone suits me as i look a little haggard at 10. The reason being is i am quite athletic and have more muscle than my sister and muscle obviously weighs more than fat so i need the extra weight. I think when you…
  • I have to agree with sadlazarus, a taste of honey is worse than none at all!! i feel with most people a sample of what they are missing destroys their resolve. Is there such a thing as "just the one" with most people? I totally understand why you would want to do it but I am not sure if it will benefit your life. Good luck