Fat Friday's Good? or Bad?

Ok - My Wife and I have been going at this for almost 3 months now and I have had good success and my wife seems to be on a plateau, but still committed. We are thinking of all the Fine Meals we used to go out and get and it is getting harder and harder to find the RIGHT things to eat that are healthy, tasty and interesting. We are thinking of having a "Fat Friday" on the last weekend of each month. Basically eat whatever and where ever we want. We would have the weekend to exercise and recover depending on how bad we were. We are just nervous if we can keep this lifestyle change on MFP without some relief. Looking for the Pro's and Con's


  • Don't do it.
    Not to be a killjoy (OK, I am being a killjoy, but there's no malice in it I promise you), but it's a step backwards. Fat Friday once per month could so easily turn into something more. I miss eating things, and I miss volumes of food that I can't eat: I can't allow myself a single lapse. Not to trivialise such conditions, but it'd be like a lush allowing himself "just one drink".

    On the other hand, what do I know? You both might have reserves of discipline that I know nothing of. But I say don't do it: stay strong for yourselves and each other.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i'm sure "fat friday" is just a name, and that while you plan on eating what you want, that it'll be predominantly healthy things, and that you'll still log your food. enjoy yourselves, but seriously, don't go nuts.
  • I have to agree with sadlazarus, a taste of honey is worse than none at all!! i feel with most people a sample of what they are missing destroys their resolve. Is there such a thing as "just the one" with most people? I totally understand why you would want to do it but I am not sure if it will benefit your life. Good luck
  • I think its a good idea, I have my own 'Takeaway Tuesday' and it really helps me deal with the losing weight thing.

    I work hard at work and the gym all week, And i push myself to the limits, and stay within my calorie limit.

    But having a 'treat' now and again is a really good morale boost. I look forward to my 'Takeaway Tuesday' I eat healthy all that day but have the takeaway at night. And i tell myself. 'If you have this treat, Then you have to work double hard tomorrow' And i do.

    As long as your 'Fat Friday' Doesnt become, Fat Friday And Saturday' Then you are fine, Self discipline is what you need, and knowing you can get a 'treat' makes it less tough.

    Dont beat yourself up about it, If you have a treat too many, Just start again the next day and forget about it.
  • jimmacdonald
    jimmacdonald Posts: 93 Member
    We have fat Friday or Saturday.

    One way it to eat your normal 0 gain/ 0 Loss calories. Therefore kinda being normal, but make sure you log the food.

    I bike on a Saturday going for 3 or 4 hour rides at about 14 miles an hour, I get enough calories that I really cant eat them all.

    So I guess you could combine exercise wiht Fat Saturdays.

    As they say your are what you eat.

    Yes it is a life style change, so keep it real and meet your personal journey.

  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    It's all about discipline. I lost the majority of my weight with a "free" day every single Friday. I wouldn't go overboard, but I would eat what I wanted without counting a thing. The other six days of the week I was firm with myself. Didn't hurt my efforts in the least.
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    I definitely think cheat days every now and again are fabulous! You can also do research to see which "junk" foods may be a little less junky. I'll have cheat days, but there are still certain things where the calorie count is just SO high that I can't justify it. For example, if you love pizza, go on a couple websites and see which is lowest in cals. Domino's thin crust is still going to be delicious, and wayyyy less calories than say, stuffed crust pizza. So, cheat but be reasonable :)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I have a "cheat meal" once every couple of weeks. Not a whole day, just one meal, and I do try to do it in moderation. Like if I'm really craving pizza I get thin crust and lots of veggies on it and I only eat 2 slices, and I go ahead and count it in my calories for that day even though it makes me go over. Or as I mentioned on the other thread if I'm craving something sweet I allow myself one really good dessert, small portion. I think if anything it helps my willpower the rest of the time, knowing that I'm not going to go the rest of my life never having pizza or cherry cheese tarts again.

    It's probably just another one of those things that is different from person to person. If you can do it without going off the wagon, go for it. This is your life, and you want a lifestyle that makes you happy long term so you'll stick with it.

    My husband claims (this may just be an excuse though ;) ) that it helps his weight loss long term to have a day every now and then where he eats more. After that day he loses faster for a week or so before evening out again-- he claims. :P