

  • This whole eating your earned calories thing is so confusing. I asked the owner of my gym (who is the one who turned me on to this site) if I should be eating my earned calories and he said absolutely NOT! If you are trying to burn calories to lose weight, then why would you eat them again. Makes sense to me. He did say…
  • @ Phoenix9115, I think your confused or something. I am the original poster and asked for help to understand why the site says I burn more calories cleaning and such then at the gym. That is all. Maybe you posted on the wrong topic? Either way I am in no way trying to disrespect anyone. We are all here for pretty much the…
  • Ha Ha that's funny Heather... Oh by the way, My name is also Heather! If you lived near me, maybe I would go clean your house. I hear it's good exercise. Lol.. Gotta keep it movin!
  • I do, but only like once a week when I do the major cleaning like vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom etc. Not for the everyday stuff like making beds wiping counters etc. Either way it is all moving your body and getting exercise.
  • Thank you all so much for your replies. I think you all really helped me. So I think I am going to meet my original goal calories and do 1/2 of my earned calories. I'm not going to worry about lunch so much and eat smaller meals/snacks throughout the day. I will stick with my Breakfast and dinner thou. I also can't give up…