

  • Hi friends :) I did p90x once and the results were amazing. Since then, I got lazy and now I want to get back in shape. I am hoping that joining a group will be more encouraging for me. I plan on starting p90x again on Monday! Right now I am 26, 135lbs, 5'3. I hoping to lose a little weight but mostly tone! Amanda
  • My husband and I got married June of last year. We wanted a really nice honeymoon and preferred money as well. We found an awesome website It lets you create a "dream" vacation and people can put money towards different things. The good thing about this site is that it is not a gift card,…
  • depends on what diet you're currently using. I would highly reccomend following the nutrition plan if you're going to spend the time to do the workouts everyday. I am currently on day 31 and I already see and feel a big difference.