

  • If you truly think he is your soul mate, I would suggest being very careful about throwing that away. Many of my friends have fallen into the same trap, broken up with their partner, onlt to find that there isn't really anything 'out there' that they're missing out on. As someone who is pretty much always single, I have…
  • I drink lots of green tea every day, and have for a long time. I'd say the green tea alone has had zero effect on my weight, loss or gain. But it is supposed to have many health benefits, so I'm sure combined with other healthy changes in diet and exercise habits, it could help. But then again, I'd argue that it's the diet…
  • I've been there, many times. I struggled with various eating disorders throughout my teens, including purging. You know where it got me? About 30 lbs heavier. Purging is fairly impossible to keep up... You just feel absolutely horrible all the time - nauseas, headaches, fatigued, hair starts falling out, you can't…
  • It's pretty sad isn't it? I developed disordered eating at the age of 10, and it continued all through my teens. I remember being as young as 7 or 8 and hearing that my mum was on a 'diet' and copying that behaviour and speech without really knowing what it meant. But then around 10 I started being teased for being chubby…
  • I'm sure they're just worried about you and not trying to be mean, just expressing concern. Maybe try explaining to them exactly what you're doing, and how you're making healthy choices and show them you know what you're doing. If they see you're doing it to be healthy and don't have an eating disorder, they'll be more…
  • thanks for the ideas, I'll try to stay motivated :) And yes, I'm exactly the same... i always weigh myself immediately and feel even worse even though I know it's not 'real weight'. I guess I just get too caught up in it all in my head, and every little slip feels like the end of the world because I always struggle at this…