My family isn't supportive of my weight loss..

edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone.8) I'm Brittany and I'm brand-spankin new to this site right here. Well anyways. I'm 17 and my height is 5'2 and my highest weight was 150 pounds. But one day I got tired of being that chunky so I stopped eating unhealthy food and drinks. And now I weigh 128 pounds. And my family are always making comments about how I'm to skinny and that I need to gain more weight. Or that I'm anorexic. And when I tell them that I wanna weigh 110 they freak out and saying that would be way to skinny and that my head would look to huge on my body or how they think one day I'll just blow away in the wind. /: I just.. I don't know.. I just want there support and for them to be proud that I've lost the much so far. /:


  • Melbel85
    Melbel85 Posts: 240 Member
    You came to the right place for support!
  • capal2
    capal2 Posts: 7
    I'm sure they're just worried about you and not trying to be mean, just expressing concern. Maybe try explaining to them exactly what you're doing, and how you're making healthy choices and show them you know what you're doing. If they see you're doing it to be healthy and don't have an eating disorder, they'll be more supportive.
  • I'm sorry that your family isn't supportive. Are they overweight themselves? You're at the right place for support though. Good luck!
  • karenkwalker
    karenkwalker Posts: 155 Member
    Sometimes when you meet your goals - it makes people uncomfortable because they have to look at their own life and instead of owning their own stuff - they focus on you and try and get you to change back to the way it was before - so they don't feel like they need to change.

    Just stay focused on what works for you - you may not get what you need from your family - but ultimately you are the one who has to live with your life, etc. There are plenty of people in the world who will support you unconditionally, but ultimately it is what you think about you that matters.

    Good luck for your journey!:bigsmile:
  • Shae3891
    Shae3891 Posts: 53 Member
    This is the right place, you can't control what your family thinks only how you respond to it. It might help if you talk to them about your desire to be HEALTHY and NOT skinny, and if you work to build a toned fit body as opposed to a boney thin body, they may see it mores about the lifestyle then about wanting to look a certain way
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    it seems family is the quickest to hurt your feelings, I'm sure they mean well.
    just keep eating healthy hopefully they will see your doing it the right way and
    start to support you.

    Good luck and keep up the good work
  • gimedatnow
    gimedatnow Posts: 173 Member
    In my opinion, your family is either really supportive and attentive (and that's great!) or they're jealous (it happens). I would say that you're the best judge of what a comfortable weight is. At 5'2" (that's my height!), you can maintain a healthy bmi between 100 and 135 lbs. As long as you feel happy and healthy (and have a healthy bmi), I wouldn't let their opinions get to you.

    And I totally agree with the above posts. Explaining that your goal is fitness, not skinniness, might help ease their concerns. And if they're interested, maybe get them to join you on your journey! :)

    edit: typos lol
  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    sometimes the people that have your best interest at heart can make it harder for you, the one that you have to please is you, you sound like you have realistic goals and that you have a good head on your shoulders and your doing it right, dont get carried away with it and stop at 110 and you will be fine, your doing a good job keep it up
  • dihar2
    dihar2 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello Hon,

    You will receive all the support you need right here. My question to you is "Are you eating healthy food and enough food?" Since you are at 128 your weight loss will likely be slow which is best for long term, permanent results. Just remember to never go below 1200 calories a day...that is then starvation and your body will really get messed up. If you are exercising hard and/or a lot you will need to increase those calories somewhat. Teach yourself now how to have a good relationship with food and you won't spend the rest of your life obsessing. Your body will settle where it belongs just be patient with yourself and those around you. Maybe they just need to be educated. Are they overweight or eating unhealthily? It's really about health not the # on the scale.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Families don't want their loved ones to change, so that is why it is hard. Even though you probably want to shout your feelings on things from the rooftops (I'm that way, anyway), you may just have to be quiet and try your hardest on your own. :(
  • TashaP2011
    TashaP2011 Posts: 142 Member
    Hi there - I am also 5'2" and have weighed about 110 for a really long time. I am quite a bit older than you, and have had 3 kids and still weigh about 110. I am very fine boned, and this has been a good weight for me. My goals are maintenance as I get older and it becomes harder not to put on weight. I hope you find that comfortable weight for you - at your height, depending on your bone structure, 110 is not an unreasonable goal. Good for you for getting there in a healthy way!
  • dihar2
    dihar2 Posts: 29 Member
    Excellent advice. Well said people.
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    Oh dear. I have a problem like that but mine is at work. Im 5 4 I did weigh 158 now I weigh 125. They are always telling me that im too skinny and im not. Im under doctor supervision. Actually I can go low as 107 but wish to be that thin. I just want to be healthy and feel good. They are all over weight. I try to incourage them to be healthy. But that's up to them if they want to change. They choose not to. It makes me mad when they tell me that I need to have a donut. They buy me one all the time. I don't eat it! Lol. Just mean very mean. That gives me will power! They alway make fun of my lunch and snacks. Its funny because, they are always wondering what's for lunch every day. I hope to encourage at least one out of thirteen people. I think im getting close.
  • Vengaence
    Vengaence Posts: 1
    As with most things in life, if you are serious and committed to a healthier lifestyle, I'd recommend doing quite a bit of research on your own and determine what is healthy for you based on your research and feedback from your body in the changes you make (along with advice from others you respect in the field who can provide helpful information).

    A couple of tips I'd throw out there, learn your body type, measure your frame size by measuring your wrist circumference and elbow width. View some height/weight charts based on gender/age/frame size and compare your data. Calculate your BMI (body mass index) and compare it to regularly available data. Give yourself a valid frame of reference then go from there to set your personal goals. I'm purposefully not providing exact numbers here as it's best for you to do your own work here and feel confident about it.

    Opinions of people around you will certainly be biased on what they know about the subject (and their own experience) and sadly many people know very little about nutrition, fitness, and healthy living. The old saying is "take everything with a grain of salt", consider the source of information before giving an opinion a weight.

    Many people can develop obsessions and also develop problems, eating disorders, or just unhealthy habits when trying to please others. Your goal should be to feel good and be healthy, and the stereotype for women in western culture in terms of what is attractive is unhealthy (most models have eating disorders and often do drugs as well to maintain unhealthy weights) and the fact is surveys often demonstrate men actually find normal weight women more attractive.

    I'm glad you are using myfitnesspal, I love the site! I'm just starting to get more serious about logging more carefully myself as I'm losing too much weight for my frame type and I'm more interested in building muscle. I need to hone in on my calories a bit closer as well. Good luck!!
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