

  • to reply to arewethereyet regarding the sodium in boxed stuff. I live by one very important rule.... If it comes in a jar, can, or box, it probably has a high sodium content. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, but not many in this case. I follow a low sodium diet, due to a very bad problem with fluid…
  • I have a dear friend who got a whole months worth of the food. She ate only a couple of meals, and did not like it, so, she gave it to me. I know she is very fussy about food, so I did not believe her when she said the stuff tasted nasty. Lets just say my dog looked at me as if to say, "are you kidding me with this?" when…
  • I am a diabetic, I wonder what this recipe would be like if one used non calorie sweetener, I.E. SplendaI? I know baking with Equal sometimes comes out funky tasting, and there are also some tricks to follow when one uses Splenda. I just might give it a try.
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