Happygreenmom Member


  • Welcome! I am new-ish to MFP and can hardly explain how great it's been. I too have adopted my mother's dieting issues, she's loose some, then gain some then change diets then loose some, etc. it was(and is) a repeating cycle. I decided recently that I don't want my children to see a similiar pattern in their mother and…
  • I know that there is an app on Android Market that turns your phone into a Heart Rate Monitor. It works pretty well.
  • I don't particulartly like fast food, but I must be addicted to it, because I find myself eating it when there is great food in my fridge and no reason for me to eat out. It's quite alarming really. I have even found myself eating out as a reward to myself... it's really no good. I am trying to stay away now. I had a…