

  • Thanks.. I guess venting helped me think it out. :smile: I was just logging and going by what it said/how many calories I could eat, without thinking it out, and realizing what kind of deficit/weight loss I was having. I just looked at the Harris Benedict Formula, and it has me as 1794 a day to maintain. I'm gonna try…
  • Hmm, I wasn't thinking of that (the 17 days thing) I have it set to lose 2 lbs a week (1200 calories, the 1500ish is what I figure doing my "exercise", walking the baby/dog in the stroller, housework, running in place :P ) But you're right when you sit there and add it all up.. it does work out to more like 2lbs a month.…
  • No longer nursing. I tend to starve my boys...(I'm truly one of the like 3% who don't make enough milk) but I did try again this time around for the first month (had to supplement w/ formula for most of that though) I have had eating issues in the past, but those really haven't been an issue for a long time. Maybe that has…
  • And not really noticing any measurement changes. This is so discouraging. Sorry for whining, I guess I just needed to vent to people who could relate. I'm a SAHM, just had my 2nd C-section son 4 months ago..other one is turning 6 next weekend. I'm very good on the calories, etc. Averaging around 1500 a day, I try and eat…
  • I know they'll never be as small again, but within an inch or two would be nice. :) Come on 6 to 12 weeks! :tongue: I just couldn't remember, as the last baby was almost 6 years ago, and as I said, I was so much bigger than, that I didn't really notice or care. And to rest of you, thank you for the warm welcome :)
  • Hello everyone. My name is Jess, I'll be 26 on the 13th, and just had my second son on June 30th. I've struggled with my weight most of my life. At my highest, after my first c-section at the age of 20, I blossomed up to a size 16. Being a new SAHM I didn't really care at the time. I grazed all day and just kept getting…
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