girl_afraid82 Member


  • Joining you in the same boat! Returning to MFP after a long absence in which I have regained all I lost and more :/ I feel a renewed motivation this time around, and am looking for new accountability buddies, if anyone would like to be friends? I'm 33, from the UK and work from home so am going to need constant distraction…
  • Just starting Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor. The first in the trilogy (Daughter of Smoke and Bone) was amazing, but I'm struggling to get started with this one so far. I probably just need a day without distraction to get into it. But... considering the sort of stuff you have already been reading, have you…
  • Suprised nobody has mentioned quinoa yet... excellent source of protein for vegetarians, as it has all nine essential amino acids (just like meat does).
  • Two dress sizes is totally an amazing achievement! I read somewhere that it usually takes about a 10lb loss to equal losing a dress size, but in practice I found that to be way off! I've lost 17lbs so far, and dropped one dress size... but am still not completely comfortable in the smaller size! I definitely can't do jeans…
  • How funny... I had one of my recurring dreams last night, so this topic has been on my mind anyway! I seem to keep having a dream where I'm back at high school, but I either haven't been given, or have lost my timetable. I have no idea where I'm meant to be. Now, I'm fairly switched on in these dreams. I think 'no big…
  • Stargate... I've tried. I really have. It bores me rigid. I'm currently trying to get into Merlin, as it really seems like something I should like. Why is it not grabbing me? It has everything I would usually love in a TV show but I really can't seem to care about it.
  • Definitely log them! Most alcoholic drinks are hugely calorific, so if you don't log them you are going to be really underestimating your intake. I don't go out drinking much anymore (maybe once every couple of months), so I tend to have a day off from logging if I'm having a big night out, just because it's such a…
  • Just finished Perks of Being a Wallflower... it had been on my list for years but never got round to it. Bumped it up to the top when I saw a film was due out for it, because I hate seeing films without reading the book first. Highly recommend it... amazing characters!
  • I'll admit, I do try not to have people on my friends list that net low calories... but that's mainly because I like to have friends who work towards similar goals as myself. I struggle to support anyone who consistently undereats, as personally I don't feel it's healthy. However... I do look at people as individuals. If…
  • Hah... the whole 'waking up at the same time' thing really is important isn't it?! My ex frequently used to sleep in until 3pm on the weekends, which left me with 6-7 hours to kill on my own. I lived miles away from any of my friends and family, so it was quite lonely! Didn't notice how much it got to me until I found my…
  • Agreed on Toy Story 3 :sad:
  • I had a Fitbit... found it was very good quality (definitely can't reset it by accident) and it hooks up to a website which links to MFP, so that's a bonus. It's a bit pricey, but you can get them on ebay a little cheaper. Depends what sort of thing you need to track too. If you just want to know calories burned during a…
  • Not at all! Put it this way... I have put on 2lbs this month. Does this mean I should give up and quit the whole thing because it's not working? That would be a total waste. Keep going... if you're honest about your logging, stick to your goals and work out, it'll come off.
  • If you're only on 1200, that is definitely NOT too many. I'd advise finding a BMR calculator online, working out what your BMR is (which is the number of calories your body needs to survive in a coma) and never eat below that amount. You need to give your body enough fuel to run... stoke the furnace and it'll burn more!…
  • :indifferent: I have read and re-read this about eight times now and still can't work out what you mean. The macronutrients are what is in your food... the chemical elements of it. Their calorie content is included in the calorie content of the food that you log. Fattier foods will (likely) have more calories, as fat as a…
  • Seconded... this works for me!
  • It's not going on BBC here, it's being shown on a channel called Dave (I think!). You could always (shhh) torrent it?
  • Mine is a bit nerdy... I work for a TV post production house, transferring data from drives to be edited with. Before that I was a media librarian. Also a bit nerdy. I'd love so much to work in a proper book library! I've been applying all over the place with no success!
  • It's not ridiculous. MFP already has you eating at a deficit. By not eating exercise calories back, it creates an even bigger deficit. Depending on how your goals are set up, not eating these calories can take you down to a dangerously low NET calorie intake, hence why MFP tries to have you eat them back. If you factor…
  • If she's as nice as you say she is... I'm sure she won't mind. If I were in her place, I'd hate to think someone was only coming because they felt too guilty to tell me they weren't having fun! She'd probably feel as guilty about it as you if she found out you were uncomfortable! Give it one last try and if it's definitely…
  • This too... a burger is just a round patty of meat. Why can't a vegan eat a round patty of tofu/beans in a bun too?
  • I'm not vegan, but I don't generally eat meat... I do eat a lot of meat substitute foods though. I don't care what it looks like... if it's masquerading as a burger, or a piece of bacon then fine. I'd still eat it if it was just a random shape... but I can only eat what is available lol. These companies choose to try and…
  • One of my colleagues brings her sausage dog to work a lot... he's adorable :D
  • lol, don't worry I wasn't offended, I did guess that would happen :P I am none of those things though, for the record haha
  • Aw, she added me then deleted me in the space of a day haha... Was it something I said? :P
  • You know you're having trouble meeting your calorie allowance... yet you're worried about going over so stick to salads. That could be why you're having a problem, it's a bit counterproductive. I know it's hard to eat back the exercise calories sometimes, especially if you find yourself left with hundreds at the end of the…
  • This made me think... what diets have you tried? 'Diets' as such don't often work... they're restrictive and unrealistic. I still eat everything I have always eaten, just less of it (portion control was my main downfall!). I'm not 'on a diet', I've changed my lifestyle. It's something I know I can keep up for the rest of…
  • I eat my meals in a specific order, and always have to finish one part of the meal before I start on the next. My other half just mashes his whole dinner into a big blob, I have no idea how he can do that!! I also put sweets into colour groups and eat them from least favourite colour to most favourite. I can't eat them at…
  • Nearly always... even at the end of those mundane 'I'm in the supermarket, do we need anything?' sort of phonecalls. We say it when we leave the house for work, before we go to sleep, other random times throughout the day... It's never reached a point where I felt we were just saying it out of habit... although there are…