kathyloving Member


  • Read all the posts and am surprised no one (well maybe one) said POPCORN.... I have popcorn every day... one of those "gotta haves" for me....
  • I too, use the ecigs... will be four years for me in April. I had lost 30 pounds when I started the ecig and was so afraid I would gain it back!! I didn't, and have lost 20 more pounds since I quit. I am a slow loser ... :(
  • I had the same issue the morning after Thanksgiving.... but turkey is full of sodium, and on top of that it also makes me very thirsty!! So I am guessing I retained fluid because of the sodium in the turkey, then added to the mix by drinking alot of water. I did log what I ate that day and was still within my calorie goal.…
  • Your story touched my heart.... I am so glad you did not fall back to the "bad habits" of your high school days. WAY TO GO GIRL!!! You truly are amazing... inside and out!! Keep up the good work... You inspire me!!