weight gain after thanksgiving?

I choose not to log my food for Thanksgiving. I was going to enjoy myself to a limit and be mindful. I feel like I did that having small portions of everything I wanted. I went for 2 45 minute 3 mile walks that day. I show a 5 lb gain from the morning of thanksgiving to this morning. Freaked me out. I know since i didnt log, I shouldn't have expected anything but a gain. But 5 lbs? I drank quite a bit of water that day. Is it possible that I ate more than I usually do and my body is adjusting? My normal daily calories aren't ever over 1300. Should I expect in the next week ir so for weight to level out?

I think ill take some time to enter in my food for that day just to see how bad I was. Maybe I have really underestimated.


  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    5 X 3500 = 17500 calories. I seriously doubt you ate that much extra. You maybe gained 1/2 a pound. The rest I'm pretty sure is water weight and will get flushed out.
  • Keltinator
    5 X 3500 = 17500 calories. I seriously doubt you ate that much extra. You maybe gained 1/2 a pound. The rest I'm pretty sure is water weight and will get flushed out.

  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    It is not humanly possible for you to have gained 5lbs of fat in one day. You'd need to consume 3500x5 to equal that many pounds(not including what your body normally burns off). It is water and other matter retention, in a day or so, if you eat right and continue to work hard, it will be back to where it was pre-gobble day.

    On this note: People, you need to look at weight loss very logically. Try to remove your emotional baggage from the analysis. It might not be an exact science for everyone when figuring out how much you will lose over X amount of time, but Science is involved in this. What I'm saying is: Stop freaking out over these huge numbers fluctuating on the scales after one binge day(like Turkey day), it isn't possible for fat to be created that fast or with only eating 1000 calories over your goal.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    there is a lot of sodium in holiday foods. Water weight is the only plausible answer.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I think it's to late to worry about shoulda, coulda's. Just move forward and learn from it. Remember you have Christmas coming and you have to decide what your going to do for that day. We usually have sandwiches and cheese balls and crackers. And banana pudding and chocolate pies for dessert, but no huge meal which is going to be worse for me..I'll have to stay away from the snacking but I will log just to be accountable to me.
  • Maybaby100
    Maybaby100 Posts: 84 Member
    After 2 days of thanksgiving I gained about 2 pounds on the scale, but it's almost gone already. I wouldn't worry too much, just get right back into the swing of things.
  • kathyloving
    kathyloving Posts: 4 Member
    I had the same issue the morning after Thanksgiving.... but turkey is full of sodium, and on top of that it also makes me very thirsty!! So I am guessing I retained fluid because of the sodium in the turkey, then added to the mix by drinking alot of water. I did log what I ate that day and was still within my calorie goal. I remember last year at Thanksgiving I did the same thing and in about a week it was off again. Just takes a while to get rid of all the water retention. I am still kind of puffy today. It will come back off...just be patient!!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I choose not to log my food for Thanksgiving. I was going to enjoy myself to a limit and be mindful. I feel like I did that having small portions of everything I wanted. I went for 2 45 minute 3 mile walks that day. I show a 5 lb gain from the morning of thanksgiving to this morning. Freaked me out. I know since i didnt log, I shouldn't have expected anything but a gain. But 5 lbs? I drank quite a bit of water that day. Is it possible that I ate more than I usually do and my body is adjusting? My normal daily calories aren't ever over 1300. Should I expect in the next week ir so for weight to level out?

    I think ill take some time to enter in my food for that day just to see how bad I was. Maybe I have really underestimated.

    you ate a lot of food. it is going to take a few days for your body to process it and eliminate what it doesn't need. I swore I was not going to weigh in the day after Thanksgiving, but being the *sick* person that I am, I did anyway. I had gained a pound. I know even with all the desserts I ate, there is NO way that I ate 6,000 calories on Thursday. I'll get back on the scale on Monday, and most of the weight ( if not all...or more) should be gone.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    I'm up 500gms on yesterday for no reason, we don't even celebrate thanksgiving here . It's just normal body fluctuations.
  • tooliebell
    tooliebell Posts: 177 Member
    Thank you. I was really trying not to freak out. I knew it wasn't possible to gain that much weight, I guess i just needed to hear it from someone else. I've been at this for 5 months and haven't ever had a cheat day, so I wasn't sure what kind of fluctuation I would see.