dearladydisdain Member


  • I'm only 24, but I can't think of an age where I'd be "too old" to be a bridesmaid. If you don't want to do it, that's fine, but if it's because you think you're "too old" then that is sad. And for the record, I just got married and there were no poofy dresses or taffeta for my bridesmaids. ;)
  • I'm 24, weigh about 138 at 5'8" and I've lost 27 pounds eating 1500-2500 (and sometimes more) cals a day. It's been possible for me through carb cycling. :) I also lift heavy weights.
  • I don't worry about dieting on vacations. It's not going to destroy your progress, I promise! Also, I eat SO much more than what you described when on vacation lol. That's about one meal for me.
  • Weight lifting is more effective for fat loss than cardio, IF you are lifting heavy enough. How can it overestimate? It's a heart rate monitor. All they do is monitor your heart rate and do some (inaccurate) calculations as to how many calories you are burning. There's no way to actually tell how many calories you have…
  • ^THIS! You probably just need to tweak your calorie/macro amounts, and adjust the way you are eating. I certainly don't use MFP's automatic settings. I just use it to track.
  • Processed sugar is unnatural. And when I say processed, I mean anything that's not the actual sugar cane plant. I don't have the energy to find the studies right now, but you realize that in these rat studies they were being fed at least half their body weight in aspartame? I'd have some health problems if I consumed half…
  • I've been on Celexa (an SSRI) for over 6 months and it has not made me gain weight nor has it impeded my weight loss.