

  • Yeah, I was surprised to find out how many calories I was eating. I used to kind of absentmindedly snack a lot, and so it was easy to overdo it on the calories without thinking about it. Logging everything really does make all the difference. As far as exercise goes, one thing that motivates me to exercise is I know I get…
    in I'm new :O) Comment by cabassi June 2011
  • Hi Deidra, I just read your profile and the part that jumped out at me was that you realized you're eating too many calories. When I started using mfp I was surprised to find exactly the same thing, and being able to track my food so easily and accurately has been what it took to start losing. I'm new at this, but I've…
    in I'm new :O) Comment by cabassi June 2011
  • All great answers. One thing that motivates me is I know I get to eat more on days when I exercise. I stick strictly to the amount of calories MFP says I'm allowed to eat, so when I exercise, I'm rewarded with a treat. To make exercise enjoyable, I run around a beautiful lake near my house, or I stick my iPad on my…
  • I'm having this same experience. And I've noticed that food tastes better, and the act of eating is a lot more satisfying. I'm really appreciating food a lot more now.
  • I had a problem with this until I found MFP. Just the act of logging all my food, understanding how many calories I'm eating per day, and having a clear goal to meet has caused me to eat much less and exercise more. Have you been logging your food?
  • Great presentation of your progress. Really amazing to see the transformation. Glad to hear this change has spread to have a positive impact on other areas of your life. Great job, dude! :)